
The jQuery Mega Select List is a plugin that converts large select lists into a mega-menu style list of options.

This plugin doesn't affect your form, posting back the selected value as if the options were being selected in a normal select list.

You can animate the mega-select-list using CSS as per this example, or you can have it constantly expanded instead.

With CSS Animation

Example 1

With JavaScript animation (click to change)

Example 2

Please read the constant footer documentation for instructions on how to use the plugin.


Used to apply class names to the elements created by the plugin. You only need to specify a class modifier if you have a name-clash.
If you choose not to use optgroups, you can instead choose to add the headers to an attribute on the option element. Specify the attribute you have used here, for example "rel".
Whether the select list should animate or be fixed. Set to "true" to trigger animations.
Specify whether the list should expand on "click" or "mouseover".