Divs Only?
No Way.

You can target any element with an id, and trigger with any clickable element!
This is a simple text span that takes you to section 2, click me!


Test It Out

Read the code below, then click on the cat above to trigger

Actual Code: <img id="demo3Btn" src="http://placekitten.com/140/140?image=2"> <div id="demo3"></div>

Wasn't That Easy?

Read the code below, then click on the cat

<img id="demo4Btn" class="scrolldEasing2 scrolldEasing2Mobile" src="http://placekitten.com/140/140?image=3"> <div id="demo4"></div>

same code except it includes the custom easing class declaration that will only be applied to the trigger. Simply apply the name of the easing method as a class, and that specific trigger will use the set easing instead of the global easing method. Add mobile to name end for mobile only, or use both to change the mobile vs web experience.

Try This Out

2 separate custom easing methods, try it once and then resize the window and try it again.

Click that cat! Quick!

<img id="demo4Btn" class="easeInElastic easeInBackMobile" src="http://placekitten.com/140/140?image=3"> <div id="demo5"></div>

Read The Tweaks

Go home & try it out yourself

Nam id orci ut nisi iaculis ornare. Proin in nisi a mi interdum dapibus vitae eu ante. Donec ante dui, varius at augue nec, luctus semper mauris. Praesent id dui quam. Integer ut odio vitae sapien elementum fermentum et nec dui. Ut facilisis nibh vel nulla pellentesque pharetra. Sed auctor est malesuada, faucibus mauris id, faucibus nibh. Proin vel placerat elit. Donec nunc nisi, placerat non libero in, condimentum auctor odio.
