jbgallery 2.0 BETA

jbgallery is a UI widget webpage written in javascript on top of the jQuery library.
Its function is to show a single big image, multiple images, multiple galleries, slideshows, as a site's background, in a "dialog" mode or as a common pop-up.
jbgallery has two basic menus: the first one has music player buttons while the other one links directly to single images.
I added a "complex" menu on the 2.0 version, which in inspired by the flickr slider-equipped slideshow that allows to scroll the thumbnail previews.
jbgallery provides a pubblic API to remote control the component, so it would be easier to bind also with a more complex menu.


Extra files :

  • jbpicasa.js : source - test adapter that you can use building an html structure, getting data from an external rss feed.

js and css (include in head tag)

<link href="jbgallery-2.0.css" id="jbgallery-css" 
rel="stylesheet" media="javascript-screen" />		
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jbgallery-2.0.js"></script>

HTML structure (minimal menu)

<div class="jbgallery">
  <li><a href="1.jpg" >1</a></li>
  <li><a href="2.jpg" >2</a></li>
  <!-- etc -->

HTML structure (thumbnails - menu with slider)

<div class="jbgallery">
  <li><a href="big1.jpg"><img src="small1.jpg" alt="" /></a></li>
  <li><a href="big2.jpg"><img src="small2.jpg" alt="" /></a></li>
  <!-- etc -->

HTML structure (caption)

<div class="jbgallery">
   <a href="big.jpg" title="Caption title"><img src="small.jpg" alt="" /></a>
   <div class="caption">Long long long text</div>
  <!-- etc -->


<script type="text/javascript">


Write options HERE :



  style     : "centered",//centered, zoom, original
  menu      : 'slider', //false, numbers, simple, slider
  shortcuts : [37,39],
  slideshow : false,
  fade      : true,
  popup     : false,
  caption   : true,  //NEW 2.0
  autohide  : false, //NEW 2.0
  clickable : false, //NEW 2.0
  current   : 1,   //NEW 2.0
  webkit    : (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().search(/webkit/) != -1),
  ie6       : (/MSIE 6/i.test(navigator.userAgent)),
  ie7       : (/MSIE 7/i.test(navigator.userAgent)),
  labels    : {
    play : "play",
    next : "next",
    prev : "prev",
    stop : "stop",
    close: "close",
    info : "info"
  timers    : {
    fade      : 400,
    interval  : 7000,
    autohide  : 7000  
  delays    : {
    mousemove : 200,
    resize    : 500,
    mouseover : 800
  close     : function(){},
  before    : function(){},
  after     : function(ev){},
  load      : function(ev){},
  ready     : function(){}


  • style : string ('zoom'/'centered'/'original')
  • slideshow : boolean (true/false)
  • menu : string/boolean ('slider'/'simple'/'numbers'/false)
  • caption : boolean (show info button in menu - NEW)
  • autohide: boolean (autohide interface - NEW)
  • clickable: boolean (NEW)
  • current: number (set the initial photo NEW)
  • fade : boolean (false/true)
  • shortcuts : array (keycodes for trigger events left/right via keyboard)
  • before: function (callback)
  • load : function(ev) (callback - native image load event)
  • after : function (callback)
  • ready : function (callback - interface ready)
  • popup : boolean (show close button)
  • close : function(ev) (callback after click close button. i.e. window.close())
  • labels: object - default:
       play : "play",
       next : "next",
       prev : "prev",
       stop : "stop",
       close: "close",
       info : "info"
  • timers: object - default:
      fade      : 400,  //fadeIn-Out timer
      interval  : 7000, //slideshow timer
      autohide  : 7000  //autohide timer
  • delays: object - default:
      mousemove : 200, 
      resize    : 500, 
      mouseover : 800  

API (developers/designers)

  • jQuery("#jbgallery").jbgallery(); // build object FIRST
  • jQuery("#jbgallery").jbgallery("go" , 2); // go to photo 2 if exist
  • jQuery("#jbgallery").jbgallery("left"); // prev photo
  • jQuery("#jbgallery").jbgallery("right"); // next photo
  • jQuery("#jbgallery").jbgallery("play"); // autoplay start
  • jQuery("#jbgallery").jbgallery("stop"); // autoplay stop
  • jQuery("#jbgallery").jbgallery("destroy"); // destroy object, events, expando
  • jQuery("#jbgallery").jbgallery("current"); // return number of current photo


To add to the image further contents or other kind of elements you can use the following div. Otherwise you can add other divs copying the styles below.

<div id="jbg-content">
    <!-- PUT HERE CONTENT -->
    <div id="docs">
        <div class="wrapper">
    <!-- /PUT HERE CONTENT -->
#docs .wrapper{padding:10px;margin:10px;background:#fff;}


  • Firefox 3.5 (winxp/linux)
  • Safari 3.2, 4, 5 (winxp)
  • Chrome/Chromium (winxp/linux)
  • Opera 9/10 (winxp/linux)
  • Internet Explorer 6/7/8 (winxp)


This component is published with a minimalist graphic layout.
You are free to customize css and to ask me any change to add classes to the simple menus edited by me.
If you use API or design more complex menus, or if you write plugins populating html lists via ajax by flickr or similar services, please share with me for the next version of this plugin.