Beautiful Customized Tooltips jQuery

Customized tooltips with images or stylized text can enhance the experience for your users.
<div id="tooltipList"> <ul> <li ><a class="tooltip" rel="Glimmer is great! Thanks MIX Online.">I'm a text Tooltip. Hover over me for an example.</a></li> <li ><a class="tooltipImage" rel="images/100x100_oomph.jpg">And me, I'm an Image Tooltip. Hover over me to see an image.</a></li> <li ><a class="tooltip" rel="Download Oomph: A Microformats Toolkit at"><img src="images/home_sidebar_oomph.jpg" height="90" width="355"></img></a></li> <li ><a class="tooltipImage" rel="images/lab_experiments_flotzam.jpg"><img src="images/home_sidebar_flotzam.jpg" height="90" width="355"></img></a></li> </ul> </div>
#tooltip{ position:absolute; border:1px solid #ccc; background:#333; padding:5px; color:#fff; } #tooltipList ul { margin:0px; padding:0px; } #tooltipList li { display:block; margin-bottom:20px; }
jQuery(function($) { var timer; function mouseoverActiontooltip(event) { $("body").append("<p id='tooltip'>"+ this.rel + "</p>"); $("#tooltip").css("left",(event.pageX + 20) + "px"); $("#tooltip").css("top",(event.pageY - 10) + "px"); } function mouseoutActiontooltip(event) { $("#tooltip").remove(); } function mousemoveActiontooltip(event) { $("#tooltip").css("left",(event.pageX + 20) + "px"); $("#tooltip").css("top",(event.pageY - 10) + "px"); } function mouseoverActiontooltipImage(event) { $("body").append("<p id='tooltip'><img src="+ this.rel + "></img></p>"); $("#tooltip").css("left",(event.pageX + 20) + "px"); $("#tooltip").css("top",(event.pageY - 10) + "px"); } function mouseoutActiontooltipImage(event) { $("#tooltip").remove(); } function mousemoveActiontooltipImage(event) { $("#tooltip").css("left",(event.pageX + 20) + "px"); $("#tooltip").css("top",(event.pageY - 10) + "px"); } $('.tooltip').bind('mouseover', mouseoverActiontooltip); $('.tooltip').bind('mouseout', mouseoutActiontooltip); $('.tooltip').bind('mousemove', mousemoveActiontooltip); $('.tooltipImage').bind('mouseover', mouseoverActiontooltipImage); $('.tooltipImage').bind('mouseout', mouseoutActiontooltipImage); $('.tooltipImage').bind('mousemove', mousemoveActiontooltipImage); });
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