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Nice jQuery Sliding Image Gallery

Views 25206   downloads 3716   Slideshow & Scroller

There are a lot of jQuery image galleries out there, some of which are quite lovely (Galleria springs to mind). However, I've yet to discover a really nice-looking, full-window sliding image gallery…


awesome JQuery Images Slideshow

Views 17565   downloads 3478   Slideshow & Scroller

Slideshow is one of the most used feature in a web application, especially in a photo sharing site like flickr, photobucket, or maybe for used is some online store to showcasing some available new product,…


Nice jquery full background image slider

Views 81853   downloads 17383   Slideshow & Scroller

Backgrounds are an important aspect when it comes to creating a website. Whenever i look at a website the background most likely determines what the rest of the website will look like. As we may all know…


jQuery fullscreen background image slideshow

Views 19205   downloads 3141   Slideshow & Scroller

With the help of some small HTML, nifty CSS and loads of jQuery, we're able to create an animated fullscreen background image slideshow. You can easily change the script by changing some variables.…


text slide effect with jQuery

Views 17700   downloads 3759   Text & Link Effects

this demo show/hide content within a div similar to the SlideToggle() effect.and different show part of the content within the div when the page loaded Also not that because the content within the div…


MobilyNotes--stacked format shows image jQuery plugin

Views 13307   downloads 2905   Slideshow & Scroller

MobilyNotes is lightweight (2KB) jQuery plugin that shows your images or other html content in a stacked format. Features: rotating your content autoplay autogenerated buttons $('.notes').mobilynotes({…


Cool jQuery photos Shutter Effect

Views 16379   downloads 3845   Slideshow & Scroller

This is a using the HTML5 canvas element to create a simple photography portfolio, which displays a set of featured photos with a camera shutter effect. This functionality will come in the form of an…


Nice Product Slider with jQuery plugin

Views 46724   downloads 10747   Slideshow & Scroller

The article source: FancyMoves is a great slider to show off services, products, or whatever you can dream up. The main image is enlarged to…


jQuery Slide Transition Plugin

Views 26049   downloads 3932   Slideshow & Scroller

jQuery Slidy is a plugin that generates a customizable transitions automatically. With default options: $('#default').slidy(); <div id="default"> <img src="image-1.jpg"/> <img src="image-2.jpg"/>…


Good jQuery images Gallery

Views 22535   downloads 3833   Slideshow & Scroller

In this tutorial we will create an image gallery with jQuery that shows a preview of each image as a little thumbnail. The idea is to hover over the slider dots and make the regarding thumbnail slide…


Awesome jQuery tabSwitch slideshow

Views 34333   downloads 4525   Tabs

tabSwitch is a tab/slider plugin for jQuery. You could make a tab box system with the least of code and still fully customizable. Currently, you could choose from 7 different effects with 2 view styles.…


Great Round Image Galleries With jQuery

Views 27853   downloads 4998   Slideshow & Scroller

Hey guys. Quite often with image galleries powered by jQuery, we’re presented with a very similar layout – one which contains the images or items presented inside a rectangle. This is great…


JQuery Image slideshow Gallery Auto Play/Pause Rotation

Views 28151   downloads 3313   Slideshow & Scroller

There is an awesome jquery gallery which is transparent, fixed on screen, autoplay on/off buttons and css3 stylized gallery. I used simple jQuery functions and make them more clear by commenting the code…


jQuery Accordion slide Plugin

Views 37361   downloads 6910   Accordion

It to be more like an image slider. There are some coding after the project was complete jQuery plugin. Example 1 Each slide is 600 x 270 pixels. I've set the width of the accordion to 960 and the slideWidth…


useful circulate Slider with jQuery

Views 14856   downloads 2615   Slideshow & Scroller

we’re going to use Nathan Searles’ jQuery loopedSlider, a plugin made for jQuery that solves a simple problem, the looping of slide content. It was created to be easy to implement, smooth…