Fade-in Spoiler Revealer jQuery

jQuery has some really simple built in features for “fading in” and “fading out” different page elements. I thought we could exploit some of those functions for a really simple Spoiler Revealer.
Between some smart CSS and jQuery, we can keep our markup really clean. Take a look at the usage here:
<p>In the movie Citizen Kane, Charles Foster Kane's last word "Rosebud" turns out to <span class="spoiler">be a sled.</span></p>
That’s right, just “spoiler” in a span with the class of spoiler. The jQuery will find and hide all of this text, and replace it with a “reveal spoiler” button. Upon clicking that button, the button fades away and is replaced with the text from inside the span. Check out the code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("span.spoiler").hide(); $('<a class="reveal">Reveal Spoiler >></a> ').insertBefore('.spoiler'); $("a.reveal").click(function(){ $(this).parents("p").children("span.spoiler").fadeIn(2500); $(this).parents("p").children("a.reveal").fadeOut(600); }); }); </script>
Super simple. Just a quick little example to show how nice and easy jQuery is to work with and how it can compliment and extend what you are already doing with CSS!
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