Usefu jQuery Svbtle style kudos
Dustin Kurtis came up with an excellent idea for the Svbtle blogging network (go visit Svbtle.com to see an example). He called them Kudos. They're little widgets next to each post that enable users…

jRating Ajaxed star rating system with jQuery plugin
The article source:http://www.myjqueryplugins.com/jRating jRating is a very flexible jQuery plugin for quickly creating an Ajaxed star rating system. It is possible to configure every detail from" the…

Good Rating plugin for jQuery
Project Description Rating plugin for jQuery Fast, Progressive enhancement, customizable (just swap out the images, or change some CSS), Unobtrusive JavaScript (using HTML5 data-* attributes), RTL…

multiple jQuery Helper for Komodo Media CSS Star Rating
* jQuery Ajax Rater Plugin * * This rater is based on the code Ritesh Agrawal did. Unfortunatly his CSS and the hover technique breaks in some browsers. * So i thought, why not use the best CSS star-rater…

jQuery Unobtrusive CSS based rating widget
Control.Rating attaches to any div, span or table cell on your page in one line of code to create a fully customizable CSS based ratings widget. Each control can optionally post an Ajax request when it's…

Star Ratings with jQuery Plugin
The existing star rating plugin for jQuery takes too much effort (client & server) so I wrote the jQuery Rater Plugin that should reduce the complexity of implementing an ajax rating scenario on the…

JQuery – Star Comment Rating
Here is a nice little rating effect. This does not include the PHP, it is only the JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Images. What we start with is one HTML file, JQUERY library, star_rating.js (contains all…

Simple Star Rating System
This is a jquery plugin for star rating systems. The intial inspiration for this script came from "Wil Stuckey's" star rating system. But the original script requires too much coding. Also it does not…
accordion accordion menu animation navigation animation navigation menu carousel checkbox inputs css3 css3 menu css3 navigation date picker dialog drag drop drop down menu drop down navigation menu elastic navigation form form validation gallery glide navigation horizontal navigation menu hover effect image gallery image hover image lightbox image scroller image slideshow multi-level navigation menus rating select dependent select list slide image slider menu stylish form table tabs text effect text scroller tooltips tree menu vertical navigation menu