right click Looking Context Menu with jQuery

there are loads of context menu plugins already. But they require a fair amount of work to make them look good.
This one is easy to use, small, and looks good.
- Tiny library. Only dependency is jQuery.
- Simple API.
- Looks good out of the box, with no additional tweaking.
- Designed to look and behave like a standard Windows context menu.
- There's so little code, it should be easy to add your own custom features.
$('#mythingy').contextPopup({ title: 'My Popup Menu', items: [ { label:'Some Item', icon:'icons/shopping-basket.png', action:function() { alert('clicked 1') } }, { label:'Another Thing', icon:'icons/receipt-text.png', action:function() { alert('clicked 2') } }, /* null can be used to add a separator to the menu items */ null, { label:'Blah Blah', icon:'icons/book-open-list.png', action:function() { alert('clicked 3') } } ]);
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