Awesome jQuery Image Parallax Effect

Custom jQuery Plugin for Creating Parallax Effect Image Sliders
Default options:
var options = { autoPlay : 3000,//(mixed) (bool) false to disable, (int) duration to hold between slides in ms speed : 1000,//(int) speed of each slide animation in ms easingBg : 'easeInOutQuart',//(string) easing effect for the background animation easing : 'easeInOutQuart',//(string) easing effect for the slide animation circular : true,//(bool) true, will repeat, false, will stop at the end thumbs : true,// (bool) true enables thumbnails, false disables thumbRotation : 5,//(mixed): (int) degrees thumbs will be randomly rotated, bool false to disable rotation thumbAnimate : -10, //(int) px to animate thumbnails thumbAnimateTime: 100, //(int) ms animation for thumb animation numBackgrounds: 3, //(int) Number of parallax backgrounds customBackground: false, //(string) Custom Background markup debug: false //(bool) true: enable console statements for debugging };
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