JQuery Slide accordion Toggle

we'll share a very common and easy jquery tutorial with you. A JQuery Slide Toggle function
.slideToggle() function is used to hide or show matched elements in a sliding effect.
So the basic syntax is
So this was the basic syntax on how to slide toggle a div, now lets start with some real working examples.
So first the basic html code:
<div id="toggle"> <ul> <li>Youtube Video Scraping</li> <div> Always I wondered to display youtube videos below my posts or for some other purpose. But always had to use some plugins or some complicated scripts. So finally coded for you people a small function which will fetch or scrape...<a href="#">Continue reading</a> </div> <li>WordPress Multiple Category Search</li> <div> Since when I started wordpress, I had a question in my mind, why wordpress doesn’t give multiple search option? I googled a lot, but couldn’t find a plugin or code which exactly works. So finally decided to go more into...<a href="#">Continue reading</a> </div> <li>Youtube Video Scraping</li> <div> Always I wondered to display youtube videos below my posts or for some other purpose. But always had to use some plugins or some complicated scripts. So finally coded for you people a small function which will fetch or scrape...<a href="#">Continue reading</a> </div> <li>Ten WordPress Useful Functions And Snippets</li> <div> Some useful WordPress PHP funtions. Just copy and paste these functions in your themes functions.php file Change the WP Login Logo & URL Link Load JQuery From Google CDN How to remove the WordPress Version Information Remove Default WordPress Meta...<a href="#">Continue reading</a> </div> <li>A Good PHP Developer Can Answer This | PHP Test</li> <div> PHP developers go through 3 stages in their life Beginner Good Best A beginner PHP coder is some one who just started making some PHP projects in CMS like WordPress, Joomla, Magento and other PHP based CMS. A good PHP... <a href="#">Continue reading</a> </div> </ul> </div>
Read more:http://www.webstutorial.com/simple-jquery-toggle-tutorial-css-jquery-slide-toggle/jquery
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