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blur background social share plugin

Created 11 years ago   Views 20097   downloads 4432    Author tolgaergin
blur background social share plugin
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To list social accounts or share any page with 46 icons.

Usage for socialProfiles:

Place in your head section

<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/stylesheets/arthref.css">

Write before closing body tag

<script src="assets/javascripts/socialProfiles.js"></script>
email: '',
behance: 'gokhun'
facebook: 'tolgaergin',
twitter: 'tolgaergin',
pinterest: 'tolga',
dribbble: 'bbb',
scoutzie: 'gokhun-guneyhan'

Options for socialShare:


  • social: you can put comma between each social-service.
  • animation:
    launchpad, launchpadReverse, slideTop, slideRight, slideBottom, slideLeft, chain
  • chainAnimationSpeed: default value: 100
  • blur: makes blur images and texts (only works on Chrome)
  • whenSelect: if you set true, when user select text, sharing box will be opened
    (default: false)
  • selectContainer: To specify a container for selection
    (default: 'body') (alternative: '.anyclass' or '#anyid')
  • title:
    (default: document title)
  • shareUrl:
    (default: document url)
  • description:
    (default: document meta description)

Usage for socialShare:

Place in your head section

<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/stylesheets/arthref.css">

Write before closing body tag

<script src="assets/javascripts/socialShare.js"></script>
social: 'blogger,delicious,digg,facebook,friendfeed,google,

Read more:

Tag: buttons