jQuery scroll down Navigation Header

we’ll be creating a navigation bar that stays with you as you scroll down — and we’ll also throw a gimmick or two into the mix to polish it off.
What We’ll be Doing
In this tutorial, we’re going to use one of HTML5′s new elements, the nav
tag, as a container for a horizontal list of links. I’ll briefly explain how to make it look pretty using a little bit of CSS.
Most importantly, you’ll make yourself familiar with the basics of jQuery’s Waypoints plugin, which will provide advanced functionality: as the user scrolls down, the navigation bar will stick to the top of the viewport, as well as change to indicate the current section. As a little added touch, we’ll use another plugin, ScrollTo, in order to provide smooth scrolling and convenient positioning when the user clicks on the navigation links.
Step 1: The Box
I’m sure you’re already familiar with the various new elements that have been introduced with HTML5. In this example we’re going to make use of two of them: <nav>
and <section>
. We’re going to start out with the following:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" /> </head> <body> <div class=wrapper> <h1>A reasonably large heading.</h1> <nav><!-- Navigation. --></nav> <section id="section-1">Lorem ipsum ...</section> <!-- Type in some longer sections of sample text here. --> </div> <!-- Scripts will go here. --> </body> </html>
We’re going to have to give our navigation bar an explicit width. Make it 28px wider than the wrapper, and nudge it into place with a negative left margin. Let’s also give it gently rounded top edges using border-*-radius
, as well as some arbitrary padding.
nav { position: relative; width: 928px; padding: 2em; margin-left: -14px; border-top-left-radius: 14px 7px; border-top-right-radius: 14px 7px; }
Next, we’re going to add an unordered list of links inside the navigation bar, and set its items to display: inline-block
in order to put them all on a single line. We don’t need any bullets, so we’ll also throw list-style: none
into the mix.
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