A jQuery plugin for responsive pages to set div to same height

NewHeights jQuery Plugin
jQuery plugin, for responsive pages, to set tags to same height. Happens during/after browser resize.
$(selector).newHeights(refresh = 500)
selector = any jQuery selector or elements you want to be the same height
refresh = number (ms) for timer to continually resize - looks better
OR 'resize' only after browser resize
OR 'once' to resize only once
What it does:
1) Selects set of all elements that match `selector`
2) Calculates max_height of all elements in set
3) Sets height of all elements in set to max_height
4) Refreshes based on `refresh` parameter.
Example syntax:
# Set all h3's in list to same height. Refresh every 500ms
$('#home .fancyBoxes .list .item h3').newHeights()
// Set all .preface tags in list to same height on browser resize
$('#home .fancyBoxes .list .item .preface').newHeights('resize')
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