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Date / Time Picker

Created 14 years ago   Views 34119   downloads 7683    Author jongsma
Date / Time Picker
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A date picker control. To open the calendar, click the icon at the right side of the input box. While open, you can use keyboard controls to navigate the datepicker:

  • Right arrow: next day
  • Left arrow: previous day
  • Down arrow: next week
  • Up arrow: previous week
  • Page down: next month
  • Page up: previous month
  • Enter: select date
  • Esc: cancel selection and close datepicker

Note that this control is not designed to work in IE6; although it will function correctly in most cases, the positioning of the calendar may be way off depending on how your page is styled.


var picker = new Control.DatePicker(element, options);



  • element - The CSS id of the <input> element
  • options - an object with name/value pairs of additional options

Additional Options:

  • icon - the icon to display in the right side of the input box
  • datePicker - a boolean value determining whether to display the date picker. Defaults to true.
  • timePicker - a boolean value determining whether to display the time picker. Defaults to false.
  • timePickerAdjacent - a boolean value determining whether to display the time picker next to the date picker (true) or under it (false, default).
  • use24hrs - a boolean value determining whether to display the time in AM/PM or 24 hour notation. Defaults to false.
  • locale - a locale string that determines which language and date format to use. Defaults to "en_US".
  • onSelect - A function to call when the user selects a date. The date object is passed as a parameter.
  • onHover - A function to call when the active date changes (when using keyboard navigation). The date object is passed as a parameter.
  • Other options currently undocumented


DatePicker currently includes support for es_*, de_*, and en_*, but additional locales are easy to add by the user. To add a new locale, after including datepicker.js, see the following example:

Control.DatePicker.Locale['es_ES'] = { dateTimeFormat: 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm', dateFormat: 'dd-MM-yyyy', firstWeekDay: 1, weekend: [0,6], language: 'es'};


To add a new language, after including datepicker.js, see the following example:

Control.DatePicker.Language['es'] = { months: ['Enero', 'Febrero', 'Marzo', 'Abril', 'Mayo', 'Junio', 'Julio', 'Augosto', 'Septiembre', 'Octubre', 'Novimbre', 'Diciembre'], days: ['Do', 'Lu', 'Ma', 'Mi', 'Ju', 'Vi', 'Sa'], strings: { 'Now': 'Ahora', 'Today': 'Hoy', 'Time': 'Hora', 'Exact minutes': 'Minuto exacto', 'Select Date and Time': 'Selecciona Dia y Hora', 'Open calendar': 'Abre calendario' } };


After including the previous code, you could then use the locale "es_ES".

To add new locales that use a combination of a default locale date format ("eu", "us", or "iso8601") and an existing language, you can use the following shortcut:

with (Control.DatePicker) Locale['en_GB'] = i18n.createLocale('eu', 'en');


This would create a new locale that uses Euro-style date formats, with an English interface.


Create a default datepicker:

new Control.DatePicker('my_datepicker', {icon: '/images/calendar.png'});


Create a date/time picker:

new Control.DatePicker('my_datepicker', {icon: '/images/calendar.png', timePicker: true, timePickerAdjacent: true});


Example of how to create a datepicker for every text input with a CSS class of "datepicker":

<script language="javascript">
  function createPickers() {
   function(e) {
    new Control.DatePicker(e, { 'icon': '/images/calendar.png' }); 
  Event.observe(window, 'load', createPickers); 