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Beautiful Colorful Sitemap With jQuery

Views 6315   downloads 1615   Text & Link Effects

Content-heavy websites with a deep navigational structure can benefit from sitemaps. A sitemap contains links to every important page on a website, often visually organized in a hierarchy. They generally…


Showing links while hovering using CSS

Views 10810   downloads 1401   Text & Link Effects

Links (or anchor tags) are really important in webdesign/development. With all default settings (Both in CSS and the webbrowser), a link does look pretty ugly: A blue, underlined text (and purple when…


3D Flying Text in jQuery

Views 12350   downloads 2275   Text & Link Effects

It’s just a matter of time before some creates a jQuery plug-in much like Papervision for Flash.  Until then the 3D experiments in jQuery continue.  Here is a example that will show you…


jQuery search form list filtering

Views 20584   downloads 5124   Form

Here’s a clever little script that’s certainly useful if you want to give users the functionality to refine search results or filter product results. If you had a list of films with long titles…


Useful Reads and parses XML file with jQuery

Views 13268   downloads 2331   Text & Link Effects

This tutorial will guide you how to build a jQuery script that reads and parses XML file and display data in random order. I made this because I believe some of us might get this kind of request from…


jQuery Text Effect Plugin

Views 8361   downloads 1338   Text & Link Effects

Some content on our pages are more important than other and we want to made him eye catching. There are lot of techniques to achieve that.  One of them is jqIsoText. With this plugin we’re…


usability-conscious link CSS3 styles

Views 5152   downloads 1068   Text & Link Effects

This example offers a good overview of different effects you can use for links, including color and underline, backgrounds, and animations. It’s a good starting place if you’re trying to figure…


Very Useful News Ticker with jQuery

Views 20483   downloads 5572   Text & Link Effects

Cool news ticker! Seems familiar... Taking inspiration from the BBC News website ticker, jQuery News Ticker brings a lightweight and easy to use news ticker to jQuery. And what do I do with these files?…


Vertical scrolling news effect with jQuery

Views 22013   downloads 4003   Text & Link Effects

Totem makes vertical tickers easy to implement by: Turning a list of items into an animated ticker that auto-advances Specifying anchors for stop, start, next, and previous navigation links. Installation…


jQuery plugin text hidden and expand

Views 7982   downloads 1432   Text & Link Effects

The first in the series is called ‘truncatable‘. Simply put truncatable is a lightweight truncation plugin for jQuery. Designed for users who want to be able to hide and expand text on a page.…


Fade colors using jQuery

Views 9588   downloads 1727   Text & Link Effects

Retweetradar has nice little effect in the footer - links in top lists fade, emphasizing the most popular links with strongest color intensity. This example will explain how to fade a color in array of…


Click to fade text paragraphs jQuery

Views 6846   downloads 1188   Text & Link Effects

Click-To-Fade Paragraphs (or other HTML Elements) The trick here is to target all odd paragraph tags. This uses the very simple query language in jQuery: p:odd when authoring the sample in Glimmer.  …


jMagnify----jQuery text hover plugin

Views 12941   downloads 2767   Text & Link Effects

  To use this jquery plugin: download jquery.jMagnify.js and images files download last version of jquery.js include the js in the head section of the page: <head> ... <script type="text/javascript"…


CSS3 Change Text Selection Colour effect

Views 7738   downloads 1797   Text & Link Effects

Whilst this CSS3 declaration might not be crucial to your project or design and yes it is not supported by all browsers, but it is a fantastic effect that really takes your design one step further. Currently…


bouncing text with jQuery

Views 15959   downloads 3049   Text & Link Effects

Bouncy text is a jQuery plugin that animates text, bouncing each letter matched in the selector at random intervals. A pointless, if slightly fun method to make your page a little quirky. Here's the…