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Image black and white switch with jQuery.

Views 22527   downloads 3684   Image Effects

This plug-in can easily convert any colored image into a B&W greyscale image. It uses the the HTML5 canvas tag and a fallback for the old browsers Usage 1 Include the plug into the page: <script…


jQuery Perfect scrollbar plugin

Views 13837   downloads 2410   Layout & Interface

There's no css change on any original element ,Do not affect the original design layout,The scrollbar css is fully customizable,The scrollbar size and position can be updated Source <script>…


jQuery frame drag and drop effect

Views 17329   downloads 2960   Layout & Interface

Inspired heavily by the jQuery Masonry plugin , Shapeshift is a plugin which will dynamically arrange a collection of elements into a grid in their parent container. Shapeshift is intended to be a very…


blur background social share plugin

Views 20192   downloads 4478   Buttons & Icons

To list social accounts or share any page with 46 icons. Usage for socialProfiles: Place in your head section <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/stylesheets/arthref.css"> Write…


jqPlot - A Versatile and Expandable jQuery Plotting Plugin

Views 11519   downloads 2264   Graph & Chart

  jqPlot is a plotting and charting plugin for the jQuery Javascript framework. jqPlot produces beautiful line, bar and pie charts with many features: Numerous chart style options. Date axes with…


JavaScript Visualization Charts Library

Views 6593   downloads 2265   Graph & Chart

dygraphs is an open source JavaScript library that produces produces interactive, zoomable charts of time series. It is designed to display dense data sets and enable users to explore and interpret them.…


Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage

Views 11263   downloads 2653   Graph & Chart

Highcharts is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering intuitive, interactive charts to your web site or web application. Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column,…


jQuery useful Product Colorizer Plugin

Views 22465   downloads 4852   Image Effects

productColorizer is a light-weight solution for users to quickly preview a product in different colors. The plugin uses only two images per product to create the effect and it is built on top of the robust…


jquery beautiful responsive portfolio hover gallery

Views 40282   downloads 6955   Image Effects

we are going to show you, creating a beautiful responsive portfolio gallery with jquery mouse hover effect. On mouse over each images you see animation background transparency and two permalinks will…


jQuery images animations effect

Views 28780   downloads 3627   Slideshow & Scroller

JZoopraxiscope is a jQuery plugin for making animations from static images inspired in Eadweard Muybridge's Zoopraxiscope. Requirements JQuery JQuery UI An image representing the sequence to be animated…


FlexSlider 2 - The best responsive slider. Period.

Views 30203   downloads 4887   Slideshow & Scroller

HTML: <!-- Place somewhere in the <body> of your page --> <div class="flexslider"> <ul class="slides"> <li> <img src="slide1.jpg" /> </li>…


A jQuery inline form validation

Views 29244   downloads 7441   Form

jQuery validation engine is a Javascript plugin aimed at the validation of form fields in the browser (IE 6-8, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera 10). The plugin provides visually appealing prompts that…


Awesome CSS3 images Stacked Elements

Views 39944   downloads 7556   Image Effects

we'll show you how to create a simple ‘stacked’ look to some images. The HTML <div class="stack"> <img src="image1.jpg" /> </div> Unfortunately WebKit…


jQuery mousewheel Knob effect

Views 27513   downloads 3889   Graph & Chart

jQuery Knob canvas based ; no png or jpg sprites. touch, mousewheel, keyboard events implemented. downward compatible ; overloads an input element. Example <input type="text" value="75"…


jQuery multiple Vector Maps

Views 29191   downloads 5561   Layout & Interface

JQVMap is a jQuery plugin that renders Vector Maps.  It uses resizable Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for modern browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer 9.  Legacy…