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Beautiful jQuery Parallax effect

Created 12 years ago   Views 25776   downloads 4820    Author dom111
Beautiful jQuery Parallax effect
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 the parallax script . It’s called in a more jQuery like manner now and has a couple of useful options for inverting the movement and changing the unit of measurement to any jQuery/CSS supported unit.

Example code:

  'elements': [
      'selector': 'body',
      'properties': {
        'x': {
          'background-position-x': {
            'initial': 0,
            'multiplier': 0.1,
            'invert': true
      'selector': 'div.outer',
      'properties': {
        'x': {
          'background-position-x': {
            'initial': 50,
            'multiplier': 0.02,
            'unit': '%'
      'selector': 'div.inner',
      'properties': {
        'x': {
          'background-position-x': {
            'initial': 0,
            'multiplier': 0.3

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