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timeline slideshow with jQuery

Created 11 years ago   Views 19931   downloads 7492    Author frique
timeline slideshow with jQuery
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Including the plugin on your page will turn a <ul> list into a slideshow with the <li>s as slides (see a markup example below). Then style it by CSS -with or without images- and customize the behaviour using the plugin options.


  • Very customizable by CSS & plugin options
  • Use any type of html / media types inside the slides
  • Use a global or individual slide interval
  • Optionaly show / hide most of the features
  • 4 transition types (fade, slide, reveal, instant)
  • Compatible with all common browsers, even IE6
  • Multiple instances on the same page possible
  • Optional autoplay
  • Optional custom callback functions for most events
  • User can click a node to start the associated slide
  • User can click the timeline to start the associated slide
  • User can pause/resume the presentation
  • Keyboard functionality (space = pause/play)

Example markup

<ul id="your_element_id" class="timeliner">
    <-- Minimal setup: -->
    <li>Your slide content here</li>

    <-- Full setup: -->
    <li title="This slide's title" lang="(induvidual slide duration in seconds)">
        Your slide content here

More detailed documentation is included, along with the commented source files.

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