slide extra content or a navigation tool(jQuery )

This is a jQuery component to build a sliding panel where you can load content or navigation structure via Ajax.
JS call:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="inc/jquery.hoverIntent.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="inc/jquery.metadata.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="inc/jquery.mb.flipV.cryp.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="inc/mbExtruder.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("#extruderTop").buildMbExtruder({ width:350, flapDim:"100%", extruderOpacity:1, onClose:function(){}, onContentLoad: function(){} }); }); </script>
HTML constructor:
on the page:
<div id="extruderTop" class="{title:'Our network', url:'parts/extruderTop.html'}"> </div>
There are two ways to fill the extruder:
- The first is inline content
in this case you can put your content inside the extruder DIV directly;
in the case you have a menu structure with a sub level content, that content can only be inserted via ajax
using {panel:‘parts/your subcontent url’, data:‘DATA to bi passed in the request as json object or as query string’} as class of the root voice. - The second is via ajax
This way lets you define the content of the extruder in a separate file called via ajax;
the URL of the file is specified in the extruder DIV class attribute as above: {url:‘parts/extruderTop.html’, data:[data to pass in the request as json object or as query string]}
Passing additional DATA you can manage dynamically the content to be shown building your own logic.
part to be included as primary content (in a separate file or just inline):
<div class="text">[text with no actions managed by the component including images, embedded movies or whatever you want]</div> <div class="voice {}"><a class="label" href="">mb.ideas.home</a></div> <div class="voice {panel:'parts/extr.components.html'}"><a class="label" href="">mb.jquery.components</a></div> <div class="voice {disabled:true}"><span class="label"> (disabled)</span> </div> ...
In the primary conent, the one you can see opening the panel, you can display a list of lines with differen actions or just a content you define;
As you can see above, each line is defined by a DIV with class “voice” or “text” and has different action:
- the first is simply a container of content (class=“text” in the DIV TAG);
- the second is a direct link to a specified url in the href (class=“label” in the A TAG);
- the third is a direct link to a specified url and has a sub panel which url is defined in the class attribute as “panel” (class=“voice {panel:‘parts/extr.components.html’}” in the DIV TAG);
- the forth is a disabled voice (“class=”voice {disabled:true}" in the DIV TAG);
secondary content file (must be in a separate file; it’s invoked in the “panel” metadata setted to the root voice as above):
<div class="text">[text with no actions managed by the component including images, embedded movies or whatever you want]</div> <div><a onclick="alert('mb.pdf.magazine');">mb.pdf.magazine</a></div> <div><a onclick="alert('');" ></a></div> <div><a onclick="alert('mb.more');" >mb.more</a></div> ...
- width:350, (int) the width of the sliding panel
- sensibility:800, (int) the time in milliseconds to wait befor the slider will open without a click event
- position:“top”, (string) to define if the slider is on the top or on the left of your page
- extruderOpacity:1, (int) the opacity of the sliding panel once it’s closed (doesn’t work in IE)
- flapDim: 100, (int) the width or height (depends on the extruder position) of the flap containing the title
- textOrientation: “tb”, or “bt” (string) the orientation of the text for titles in the left panel flaps
- onExtOpen, onExtContentLoad, onExtClose: “function(){}”, (function) collbacks function for each event
- slideTimer: 300, (int) the time in milliseconds for the slide transition
- hidePanelsOnClose:true, (boolean) define if last subpanel should stay opened or not on next extruder open
- autoCloseTime:0, (int) define the time in milliseconds the extruder should close on mouse out; 0=never
- $.fn.disableExtruderVoice(): disable an extruder voice; the voice must have an ID.
- $.fn.enableExtruderVoice(): enable an extruder voice; the voice must have an ID.
- $.fn.openMbExtruder(boolean): open an extruder from an outer link; the boolean define if the opened extruder should be close once you click anywhere on the page.
- $.fn.closeMbExtruder(): close an extruder from an outer link.
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