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Useful jQuery Pagination plugin

Views 18698   downloads 4362   Slideshow & Scroller

When you have a a large list of items (e.g. search results or news articles), you can display them grouped in pages and present navigational elements to move from one page to another. This plugin creates…


Fancy jQuery Pagination Plugin

Views 14080   downloads 3324   Slideshow & Scroller

jPaginate is a jQuery pagination plugin that comes with a twist: animated page numbers. The user can slide through the available page numbers by clicking or just hovering over the arrows. Shortlinks to…


Sweet Pages: A jQuery Pagination Solution

Views 18730   downloads 3400   Slideshow & Scroller

We are making a jQuery plugin that will enable you to convert a regular unordered list of items into a SEO friendly set of easily navigatable pages. It can be used for comment threads, slideshows, or…