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IE8 expand select width with jquery

Views 5093   downloads 833   Form

This page demonstrate the use of jQuery plugin ie_expand_select_width to fix select box width issue on IE8. Contrary to several other solutions, this script keep the page layout intact and is keyboard…


jquery select expander - make select dom by json file

Views 5646   downloads 1440   Form

Usage Download and copy the plugin + json data into your js/ folder. (make sure the data/ folder is in the same directory as the plugin) Drop in the plugin after your jQuery include:…


jQuery stylish form select plugin

Views 8246   downloads 1743   Form

zelect is a jQuery plugin that replaces the default select element into something much more simpler and fancier. If the option list is known on the client, finite and manageable, use HTML: <select…


jQuery Cusom your select form

Views 8820   downloads 2821   Form

Your select form is replace by a div + ul li to simulate a select Box with options and rebuild automatically your original <select> with the correct value. Don't work with multiple selections.…


Releases customselect icons with jQuery

Views 6885   downloads 1824   Form

After being sick of how ugly select boxes are within forms, I looked hard to find a decent solution. There are a few but some of them I found to have bugs, or not be able to use icons within the custom…


Custom jQuery form Selectbox

Views 14865   downloads 2290   Form

Replaces the standard HTML form selectbox with a custom looking selectbox. Allows for disable, multiselect, scrolling, and very customizable. // SIMPLE USAGE $(".exampleDiv").custSelectBox();…