jQuery Dropdown Menu
In this post, we are going to create a simple dropdown menu with the help of jQuery, take a look at the demo of it first. I assume you know at least the basics of jQuery and CSS. The key to creating the…
jQuery Collapse - A lightweight jQuery plugin that enables expanding and collapsing content
jQuery Collapse A lightweight and flexible jQuery plugin that allows you to collapse content. A feature also known as 'progressive disclosure'. NOTICE: As of August 2012 this plugin has…
Sliding Jquery Menu
how to create a sliding menu button using jquery.When the button is clicked it rolls out a box full of links, when the button is clicked again it rolls back in. This can be done using jquery。 …
A Stylish Navigation Menu With jQuery
As you may know, the first 20 seconds of a new visitor’s interaction with a website determine whether they are going to stay or leave. This means you have to follow common design practices and put…
jQuery sliding menu revisited
The markup the script and the css style <ul id="iconbar"> <li><a href="#"> <img src="key.gif" alt="" /> <span>Change your password</span> </a></li> <li><a…
Pure CSS3 Chunky Menu
css #top_navigation { background : transparent; width: 800px; height : 77px; list-style : none; margin-top : 7px; margin-bottom : 11px; width : 100%; } ul.nav { background : transparent; width:…
Simple Jquery Right Click Cross browser Vertical Menu
[removed][removed] Creating right click with the help of jquery is real easy and can be implemented very quickly Step 1: Creating HTML Simply copy and paste the html next to the div to be right clicked.…
jQuery “flash like” menu
When you rollover one item of your menu, the font-size expand to 225%, the color fade to yellow and the other items are giving more space to the hovered item, when you roll out it will take its place…
jQuery sprite Fade Navigation Menu
What is a sprite? In case you aren’t sure, a CSS sprite is a large image, made up of all the smaller images you wish to use on your webpage. The benefits of using CSS sprites include: Page load…
awesome Wheel Menu with CSS3
There’s no better way to learn CSS3 than to get your hands dirty on an actual project and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. I’m going to teach you how to create an awesome,…
Pure CSS3 Vertial Animated Menu
This short script will show you how to create a colorful, yet simple and elegant navigation menu using nothing but CSS 3. Since the latest version of CSS and mainly it’s animation part is not supported…
Nice jQuery Walking Navigation
On a single page website with fixed position navigation, it will be nice to tell user on what section they are reading at. In this tutorial I am going to share how to create a walking navigation, on the…
Like Apple Navigation Dock jQuery Plugin
1) Menu structure <!-- HTML FILE --> <ul id="targetMenu"> <!-- use <li class="navActive"> to set active icon menu --> <li> <a href="#">…
simple google style Dropdown menu with jQuery
we'll show you how to create a jquery dropdown menu with google style, it also can be use as a “fixed” menu. The most important thing on this menus is the css file , we are going to use…
jQuery feed menus
The jQuery Feed Menu This feed menu was created easily by the following snippet of code: var fm = new FeedMenu();fm.write('#jquery_feed_menu_example_1'); Cool huh? That piece of code finds…
accordion accordion menu animation navigation animation navigation menu carousel checkbox inputs css3 css3 menu css3 navigation date picker dialog drag drop drop down menu drop down navigation menu elastic navigation form form validation gallery glide navigation horizontal navigation menu hover effect image gallery image hover image lightbox image scroller image slideshow multi-level navigation menus rating select dependent select list slide image slider menu stylish form table tabs text effect text scroller tooltips tree menu vertical navigation menu