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jQuery With the window size change the Full Size Background

Views 21443   downloads 3126   Image Effects

this plugin made a few changed ,because it was acting a little weird. Tested it in Safari, Chrome and Firefox and it work perfectly now. All you need is an image that you want to have displayed as your…


Right Click pop-up Function with jQuery

Views 16115   downloads 2452   Layout & Interface

How many times have you tried to right-click and save the logo of a website? And how many times has the resulting image been of very poor resolution? Many sites provide a press page with some hi-res logos…


skrollr - javascript parallax scrolling lib

Views 12136   downloads 2961   Layout & Interface

Stand-alone parallax scrolling lib for mobile (Android + iOS) and desktop in just over 3.8k (minified + gzipped) for desktop. And another 6.5k for mobile support (which…


simple Fading Elements In/Out effect

Views 8366   downloads 1847   Layout & Interface

One of the most common JavaScript effects is fading elements and text in and out. Fortunately, it isn’t very difficult to script and doesn’t require a JavaScript framework. This tutorial walks…


Awesome stylesheet switcher with jQuery

Views 10524   downloads 2195   Layout & Interface

This style sheet switcher has conventient forward and back links for you to cycle through available sheets and incorporates the cookie plugin so that user preferences can be retained for later visits.…


Useful Scroll Pagination with jQuery

Views 21977   downloads 3424   Layout & Interface

jQuery ScrollPagination plugin has been developed by Anderson Ferminiano for studying purposes, you may use it for free in any project you want, only preserve the credits. Example $(function(){ $('#content').scrollPagination({…


lightweight jQuery previous MobilyMap

Views 16334   downloads 3482   Layout & Interface

CraftMap (previous MobilyMap) is a lightweight (6KB only), fully configurable jQuery plugin that converts a simple image into a functional map by overlaying dynamic elements on it such as markers. Like…


jQuery.fracs plugin scroll

Views 8484   downloads 1205   Layout & Interface

jQuery.fracs determines some fractions for an HTML element (visible fraction, fraction of the viewport, ...) and also provides the coordinates of these areas. As a bonus there is a page outline feature…


jQuery frame drag and drop effect

Views 17212   downloads 2926   Layout & Interface

Inspired heavily by the jQuery Masonry plugin , Shapeshift is a plugin which will dynamically arrange a collection of elements into a grid in their parent container. Shapeshift is intended to be a very…


Awesome jQuery timeline Plugin

Views 10232   downloads 1855   Layout & Interface

jquery.jqtimeline is a simple, lightweight and elegent timeline plugin for jQuery to show a set of important events on a timeline. Data input is a simple json arrary of timeline events. This…


windows full-screen scrolling with jQuery

Views 10153   downloads 1604   Layout & Interface

a handy, loosely-coupled jQuery plugin for full-screen scrolling windows This is a light bootstrap that sets up:  - the basic SASS for sequential full screen windows - a jQuery plugin for managing…


simple jQuery Weather

Views 13847   downloads 2789   Layout & Interface

This demo shows how easy it is to display a simple weather widget that is clean and customizable. This is the basic usage showing only the current weather and an image. simpleWeather does not return any…


jQuery animation Percentage Loader plugin

Views 18295   downloads 3510   Layout & Interface

jQuery.PercentageLoader is a jQuery plugin for displaying a progress widget in more visually striking way than the ubiquitous horizontal progress bar / textual counter. Installation and use is quick and…


Jquery and CSS3 Google Plus Style delete Animations

Views 8014   downloads 1751   Layout & Interface

Google plus given an awesome kick to user experience, specially circles UI animations. I feel it’s great and new definition to have user experience design. I have tried circle rotation animation…


jQuery Perfect scrollbar plugin

Views 13766   downloads 2372   Layout & Interface

There's no css change on any original element ,Do not affect the original design layout,The scrollbar css is fully customizable,The scrollbar size and position can be updated Source <script>…