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jQuery dragging and dropping plugin Gridly

Views 10770   downloads 2421   Layout & Interface

Gridly is a jQuery plugin ,it enable dragging and dropping as well as resizing on a grids. Installation   To install download one of these packages and include the jquery.gridly.js and jquery.gridly.css…


jQuery Cover plugin - This plugin mimics the CSS3 background-size:cover behavior and therefore makes it available in all browsers

Views 7060   downloads 1206   Layout & Interface

This plugin mimics the CSS3 background-size:cover; behavior and therefore makes it available in all browsers. Compatible with IE 7.0+, Firefox 3+, Safari 3.1+, Opera 9.6+ and Google Chrome.…


Simple overlay instructions with jQuery

Views 8458   downloads 1165   Layout & Interface

Simple overlay instructions for your apps. Chardin.js is a jQuery plugin that creates a simple overlay to display instructions on existent elements. It is inspired by the recent Gmail new composer tour…


Useful jquery-blackCalculator plugin

Views 6622   downloads 2515   Layout & Interface

blackCalculator is a jQuery plugin for create a calculator. It supports CSS customization, easy translation, two options of calculators, cross-browser, allow and disallow keyboard! Usage First, include…


jquery snaps to blocks of content - JQUERY.PANELSNAP

Views 7623   downloads 1547   Layout & Interface

A jQuery plugin that, after scrolling, snaps to blocks of content which I like to call panels. You can actually nest sets of panels as you will see throughout this demo page. Each following panel will…


AnimateScroll - a jQuery plugin which enables you to scroll to any part of the page

Views 8053   downloads 2097   Layout & Interface

AnimateScroll is a jQuery plugin which enables you to scroll to any part of the page in style by just calling the animatescroll() function with the Id or Classname of…


jQuery plugin to dim the current page except for some user-defined top elements

Views 5151   downloads 1543   Layout & Interface

Usage Include the script in your website first. Add this script tag after your jQuery inclusi <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>…


A jQuery plugin for responsive pages to set div to same height

Views 6156   downloads 1304   Layout & Interface

NewHeights jQuery Plugin jQuery plugin, for responsive pages, to set tags to same height. Happens during/after browser resize. Usage: $(selector).newHeights(refresh = 500) selector = any jQuery selector…


UpDown.js - Moving up and down with either keyboard commands or custom events with jquery

Views 10037   downloads 1285   Layout & Interface

UpDown.js is a jquery plugin that provides a flexible way to traverse through containers and their child elements with either keyboard commands or custom events. Requirements jQuery 1.4.2+ Usage Basic…