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jQuery images Interactive and Filterable Plugin

Created 12 years ago   Views 15734   downloads 3197    Author Joel Sutherland
jQuery images Interactive and Filterable Plugin
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The plugin is configurable to work with just about any markup.


<ul id="portfolio-filter">
	<li><a href="#all">All</a>
	<li><a rel="design" href="#jquery">jQuery</a>

Portfolio Items

<ul id="portfolio-list">
	<li class="business partner jquery">
		<a href="#"><img src="/hifi/site/edit/blog/" alt=""></a>

Of course the markup can be completely arbitrary. All of the styling is done in css. There are only two major requirements:

  1. Linking Filters to Items - The hashed href of the filter link must match the class of the portfolio item. In the example above, the #jquery filter matches the last class of the only portfolio item.
  2. Portfolio Items are Wrapped - As you'll see in the JS section below, the plugin is called on a wrapper of the portfolio items. In this case, the wrapper is the

Javascript/jQuery Setup

The jQuery is really simple to set up. If you use the same markup as I have, you can even leave out the settings and it should work out of the box. Simply do the following after you have included the filterable plugin:


The plugin will also take a number of optional parameters. These are the defaults:

settings = $.extend({
	useHash: true,
	animationSpeed: 1000,
	show: { width: 'show', opacity: 'show' },
	hide: { width: 'hide', opacity: 'hide' },
	useTags: true,
	tagSelector: '#portfolio-filter a',
	selectedTagClass: 'current',
	allTag: 'all'
}, settings);

To change any of the defaults, just pass them in to the initial call:

		animationSpeed: 2000,
		show: { height: 'show' }
		useTags: false,

Fun Features

Adding a Hash to a Url

If you have the useHash setting enabled, you can link directly to a single filter. You can see this in effect on our portfolio by visiting

Exposed Events

Once filterable() has been called, there are a number of events that get bound to the wrapper. Here they are:

/* Handles the state of the filter buttons as well as the portfolio items
 * Expects "tagToShow" to include a hash. */
$(this).bind("filter", function( e, tagToShow ){});

/* Just switches the portfolio items.  Expects a class name */
$(this).bind("filterportfolio", function( e, classToShow ){});
/* Shows a tag in addition to those being shown - expects a selector */
$(this).bind("show", function( e, selectorToShow ){});
/* Hides a tag - expects a selector */
$(this).bind("hide", function( e, selectorToHide ){});

The most useful of these is the first. It will allow you to programatically change the state of the filters and portfolios. So lets say you have a link somewhere on a page that you want to use to make sure your jQuery tag is shown. You could code something like the following:

		$('portfolio-list').trigger('filter', [ '#jquery' ]);

The article source: