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Nice Dropdown Menu With jQuery

Views 12425   downloads 2562   Menu & Navigation

  Web designers and developers find themselves creating dropdown menus over and over. I’ve drilled dropdown menu production to a science. Seriously. Here’s the benefits of Brian Cray’s…


Awesome Drop Slide Menu With Jquery

Views 26513   downloads 5377   Menu & Navigation

dropSlideMenu is a simple (single-level support only), yet easily and highly-customisable drop-down menu with an attractive sliding effect. There are plenty of jQuery drop-down menu scripts already available,…


jQuery An Auto Collapsing Bread Crumb

Views 16263   downloads 3136   Menu & Navigation

With a little help from jquery user "mikejbond", the chevron overlay div no longer needs to be part of the HTML, it is inserted dynamically. You may still want include it if you want to cache image on…


jQuery Awesome Social Media Share Menu

Views 45002   downloads 1923   Menu & Navigation

we will show you how to create a social media share menu using CSS and jQuery. We are going to create the menu using basics CSS such as the CSS background-position property and a little jQuery to make…


Cursor following translucent float menu jQuery CSS3

Views 11958   downloads 2414   Menu & Navigation

A website navigation menu that follows the cursor, created with the jQuery framework and CSS that’s easy to implement and configure. The idea behind the script was to create a floating navigation…


Chrome, Safari Fancy menu with CSS3 and jQuery

Views 21702   downloads 4609   Menu & Navigation

Fancy menu was made popular by devthought, it is develop on top of the Mootools library. And later a jQuery version of this menu called lavalamp was made popular by Ganesh. This time I will show you how…


Nice Pure CSS3 Slick Menu

Views 30730   downloads 6125   Menu & Navigation

In this article we are  trying to mimic the navigation menu in Dragon Interactive website using only CSS (no images, no JavaScript). Note: This is an experimental example using the new features of…


Display social icons in a beautiful way using CSS3

Views 26210   downloads 6194   Menu & Navigation

When you hover a icon, a small tooltip is displayed with the name of the social media. All other icons have a low opacity. I wanted to take this concept and bring it to the next level using CSS3 transitions.…


Nice Stack Menu With jQuery

Views 26957   downloads 4677   Menu & Navigation

This is a Stack Menu with jQuery UI widget. Now you can take any element and turn its children into the items of a stack menu. You can control when it opens and closes, the direction it opens, the size…


Multiple CSS Drop-Down Menu with jQuery

Views 36538   downloads 8632   Menu & Navigation

Modular, with themes. Not only HTML is separated from CSS, but even CSS definitions are categorized into structural and thematic types. Thus creating a new css drop-down menu means creating only a new…


Scalable Menu with jQuery CSS3

Views 54854   downloads 9869   Menu & Navigation

we are going to create a simple menu that will stand out once we hover over it by covering everything except the menu with a dark overlay. The menu will stay white and a submenu area will expand. We will…


super Simple-useful Drop Down Menu

Views 19986   downloads 3725   Menu & Navigation

It is a One Level Drop-Down Menu with Timeout effect. Internet has a lot of scripts with the name "Drop Down Menu". One day I needed to make such menu for my site. I have rummaged a heap of sites and…


Mootools Elegant Menu Fly-out

Views 9977   downloads 1910   Menu & Navigation

It’s a more elegant solution than regular fly-outs,Here is my version in JavaScript built with Mootools. Follow along as I describe the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. [Update: You can now try out and…


Jquery tab menu Wizard Plugin

Views 38090   downloads 6547   Menu & Navigation

After looking for a jquery plugin that will emulate a windows wizard I decided to make my own (with the help of cody lindley’s css step menu). The code: First we need a simple javascript function…


Vertical Menu

Views 15762   downloads 3354   Menu & Navigation

A simple and lightweight prototype-based solution for vertical menu. Lightweight: ~1.32 KB Unobtrusive: Plays nice with JS turned off. Cross-browser: Full A-Graded browsers support Fully customizable:…