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jQuery Advanced keypress navigation

Views 11622   downloads 1510   Menu & Navigation

The script is (a bit) advanced because of the extra functionality when the user combines the mouse hover and keypresses.   HTML   The HTML that I came up with isn't that hard to understand:…


Depth And Nice 3D Ribbons Only Using CSS3

Views 16895   downloads 2658   Menu & Navigation

we learned how to realize a nice 3D ribbon and how to play with the drop shadow in Photoshop to simulate depth in a web design layout. This is a widespread trends in recent web design: creating a 3D perception…


Vertical Menu

Views 15761   downloads 3354   Menu & Navigation

A simple and lightweight prototype-based solution for vertical menu. Lightweight: ~1.32 KB Unobtrusive: Plays nice with JS turned off. Cross-browser: Full A-Graded browsers support Fully customizable:…


jQuery Like iPhone display list items menu

Views 20309   downloads 4098   Menu & Navigation

A jQuery plugin that allows you to display list items in a similar way like a iPhone home screen. If item count exceeds the displayed items on one screen, users can swipe through screens. What does it…


animated menu with Sprites and jQuery

Views 7989   downloads 1862   Menu & Navigation

Sprites are widely used on big sites (Yahoo!, Google, Amazon and more) but rarely for “normal” projects. I think this is due to two questions that usually stop us when it comes to learn something…


like Google Chrome bookmarks menu bar with jQuery Plugin

Views 8724   downloads 1859   Menu & Navigation

Inspired by Google Chrome bookmarks menu bar, this plugin can be used to group a long list of hyperlinks.   Create a new HTML document. Within the head of your document: Load the jQuery framework…


jQuery Fluid Navigation–informative menu-bar

Views 15169   downloads 2470   Menu & Navigation

jQuery has made it simple for developers to define an idea or wireframe for a component and then implement it reasonably quickly, which has certainly helped it become the most popular JavaScript Framework…


Accessible collapsing menu

Views 14106   downloads 2962   Menu & Navigation

This is a demo of the script explained in Accessible expanding and collapsing menu. The HTML The HTML that appeared in the article is this (shortened, and with id values translated from Swedish): <div…


jQuery New Top Black Menu Bar like Google

Views 52857   downloads 9733   Menu & Navigation

Google has come up with a new look with the launch of Google Plus and one of the prominent changes we can observe is the black menu bar found on the top of Google Search Page and every other Google product…


jQuery and CSS3 Animation effect

Views 41161   downloads 7753   Menu & Navigation

The markup is not difficult, we used two unordered lists, the first list follow insert all graphics (via CSS3) and animations, while the second list social will have links to social networks always with…


UvumiTools Dropdown Menu with Mootools

Views 11187   downloads 1920   Menu & Navigation

The UvumiTools Dropdown Menu is the menu featured on this website. It is a very simple multi-level menu built from an HTML unorderd list, using Mootools Javascript Framework. We needed a simple and lightweight…


Beautiful Horizontal Menu And Vertical Menu(MooTools)

Views 12361   downloads 2483   Menu & Navigation

MenuMatic is a MooTools 1.2 class that takes a sematic ordered or unordered list of links and turns it into a dynamic drop down menu system. html     <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/MenuMatic.css"…


jQuery Dropdown Menu

Views 7464   downloads 1864   Menu & Navigation

In this post, we are going to create a simple dropdown menu with the help of jQuery, take a look at the demo of it first. I assume you know at least the basics of jQuery and CSS. The key to creating the…


Sliding Jquery Menu

Views 8991   downloads 1848   Menu & Navigation

how to create a sliding menu button using jquery.When the button is clicked it rolls out a box full of links, when the button is clicked again it rolls back in. This can be done using jquery。  …


A Stylish Navigation Menu With jQuery

Views 12448   downloads 1989   Menu & Navigation

As you may know, the first 20 seconds of a new visitor’s interaction with a website determine whether they are going to stay or leave. This means you have to follow common design practices and put…