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jQuery cool Polaroid Photobar Gallery

Views 14690   downloads 2341   Slideshow & Scroller

we are going to create an image gallery with a Polaroid look. We will have albums that will expand to sets of slightly rotated thumbnails that pop out on hover. The full image will slide in from the bottom…


SIDEWAYS –cool fullscreen image gallery with jQuery css3

Views 16318   downloads 2445   Slideshow & Scroller

A simple, yet elegant fullscreen image gallery created with the jQuery framework and some simple CSS. SIDEWAYS image gallery is made by implementation of some previous scripts/tutorials posted on this…


Easy slideshow Gallery for jQuery

Views 9716   downloads 2558   Slideshow & Scroller

The code used for above gallery (Easy Gallery) is: $(document).ready(function (){ $("#gallery").egallery({ width:500, height:230, speed: 1000, delay:4000, easing:'easeInOutBack', thumbs:'numbers', thumbClass:'tclass',…


Tabbed content with jQuery

Views 18500   downloads 4176   Slideshow & Scroller

In this example we'll going to show you some web development techniques that can be used in your next projects. This will cover some CSS, HTML and jQuery tricks. First thing we need is some basic HTML…


jShowOff jQuery Content Rotator

Views 14686   downloads 2525   Slideshow & Scroller

jShowOff is a jQuery plugin for creating a rotating content module. It works by creating 'slides' from the child elements (eg. <li>) inside a specified wrapper element (eg. <ul>) on which…


sexy image scroller jQuery plugin

Views 15362   downloads 2126   Slideshow & Scroller

Requirements: jQuery Core (latest), jQuery Easing Plugin. There are five examples, Default settings. $("#box0").sexyCycle(); Easing effect + Prev and Next navigation, $("#box1").sexyCycle({ easing: 'easeInOutBounce',…


jQuery scroll News Previewer

Views 14722   downloads 2999   Slideshow & Scroller

we will create a news previewer that let’s you show your latest articles or news in a compact way. The news previewer will show some list of articles on the left side and the preview of the article…


Ultimate JavaScript Scroller and Slider

Views 26246   downloads 2713   Slideshow & Scroller

This versatile and lightweight JavaScript clocks in at less than 3.5kb unpacked.  To setup a scroll/slide area create a container with the following CSS properties… position:relative; overflow:hidden;…


Image Rotator with Description (CSS/jQuery)

Views 15884   downloads 3155   Slideshow & Scroller

An image rotator is one great way to display portfolio pieces, eCommerce product images, or even as an image gallery.   Step1. HTML – Image Rotator Wireframe   Start by building the html…


Pure CSS3 Sliding Image Gallery

Views 15836   downloads 2506   Slideshow & Scroller

So, another random CSS3 experiment! This time it’s an image gallery that has a slide effect. This was a bit tricky to work out but I got there in the end. The idea is to get one image to slide in…


mootools Content Slideshow Full Of Image

Views 10664   downloads 1220   Slideshow & Scroller

Basically, we're just going to set up everything as we normally do with the content slider - but we're going to use the functionality of MooTools' Assets package to preload the images, and at the same…


ShineTime – A New jQuery & CSS3 Gallery With Animated Shine Effects

Views 14701   downloads 2653   Slideshow & Scroller

This is a animated Shine Effect with jQuery & CSS3 and then use it to create your very own Shiny Gallery ‘ShineTime’.This effect is useful in making your user interface elements look like…


jquery masked Gallery

Views 14410   downloads 2408   Image Effects

Slide your images into a mask! Build your own png mask and choose your images to slide inside! in the header: <script type="text/javascript" src="inc/jquery/1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script…


Coverflow effect featuring CSS transformations and jQuery UI

Views 15382   downloads 2111   Slideshow & Scroller

This proof-of-concept shows a coverflow effect using the new CSS transformation feature from Webkit (featured in Safari 3.1). Needless to say that it won't run in other browsers at this point (however,…


Cool jQuery and css3 Circle slideshow Effect

Views 40583   downloads 7933   Slideshow & Scroller

this is a beautiful hover effect for an image navigation using CSS3. The idea is to expand a circular navigation with an arrow and make a bubble with a thumbnail appear. In this example  will be…