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Useful image hover slide effect with jQuery

Views 60844   downloads 8378   Image Effects

This is a simple technique to animate an image when hovering using jQuery’s animate() effect. We will use this effect to manipulate our CSS, creating a seamless transition between two areas of an…


Css3 tricks animation featured boxes

Views 31555   downloads 7107   Image Effects

we will create a set of featured boxes that will create a nice text flying effect when you move your mouse over them. We will take advantage of the CSS3 custom animations and create a set of our own animations. I…


Simple jquery Drag Controls Oversized Content

Views 10844   downloads 1468   Image Effects

When layout constraints bump up against the need for large images, finding a quality solution can be difficult. Mospromstroy  uses a creative technique to handle this situation: a "drag and drop"…


Photo Zoom Out Effect with jQuery

Views 8229   downloads 1312   Image Effects

This is a simple image zoom out effect with jQuery. The idea is show some images which are zoomed in initially and when hovering over an image it gets zoomed out. This effect could be used in photography…


Various Background Patterns With CSS3

Views 10124   downloads 2342   Image Effects

we’re very familiar with CSS3 gradients by now,today,we'll use CSS3 gradients  to create many kinds of commonly needed patterns, including checkered patterns, stripes and more. he main idea…


Europe clickable map with jQuery

Views 18493   downloads 3722   Image Effects

Warning! Basic knowledge of HTML/xHTML, CSS and JavaScript is required for proper installation and editing the map. Paste the following list to your HTML/xHTML code: <div id="map-eu">…


jquery beautiful responsive portfolio hover gallery

Views 40157   downloads 6905   Image Effects

we are going to show you, creating a beautiful responsive portfolio gallery with jquery mouse hover effect. On mouse over each images you see animation background transparency and two permalinks will…


Multiple jQuery Capty Caption Plugin

Views 13972   downloads 2311   Image Effects

jQuery Capty is a plugin jQuery Capty is a plugin that creates captions over the images. Default options: animation:    'slide' The captions animation type: 'slide', 'fade' or 'fixed'.…


Cool jQuery Nautilus plugin

Views 18174   downloads 3229   Image Effects

Nautilus is a jQuery plug-in based on Google's Doodle honoring Jules Verne (it was released on February 8, 2011). The letters of Google looked like hatches that allowed to see "under the sea",…


CSS3 animation, shadows image hover effect

Views 31663   downloads 5753   Image Effects

A sleek image gallery that takes advantage of CSS3 animation, shadows, and the “transform” property to instantly add a smooth hover effect to its images, whereby the image enlarges and moves…


Rotating hover Image with JQuery

Views 21478   downloads 2424   Image Effects

Creating a jquery plugin is easier than it sound, first time I heard about creating 3rd party plugin sounds scary, maybe need more deeper understanding about the platform, but not in jquery. Well I just…


jQuery 3D Parallax Background Effect

Views 44043   downloads 5796   Image Effects

The HTML Our page will consist of 6 sections: header, footer and 4 articles. On the right, we’ll place an unordered list that links between the articles and remains fixed on the page so it doesn’t…


CSS Image Switcher

Views 8370   downloads 1707   Image Effects

Roll over a link, watch the image above change. That’s what we build in this screencast, only we don’t use any JavaScript to do it. The trick is some simple z-index switching on hover and…


Jquery and CSS3 Nice Google Plus Photo stack

Views 19652   downloads 3565   Image Effects

If you are using Google Plus then you must have noticed the photo stack effect when you view your own album or someone else album. The HTML Part The first step will be to create our html page to place…


Beautiful images animation Waves effect

Views 29102   downloads 4011   Image Effects

Makes cool ass lakes. No license, do what you want as long as it involves some Cool Ass Lakes. How does it work? <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="lake.js"></script>…