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Jquery and CSS3 Nice Google Plus Photo stack

Views 19812   downloads 3660   Image Effects

If you are using Google Plus then you must have noticed the photo stack effect when you view your own album or someone else album. The HTML Part The first step will be to create our html page to place…


CSS3 animation, shadows image hover effect

Views 31975   downloads 5886   Image Effects

A sleek image gallery that takes advantage of CSS3 animation, shadows, and the “transform” property to instantly add a smooth hover effect to its images, whereby the image enlarges and moves…


Beautiful images animation Waves effect

Views 29397   downloads 4131   Image Effects

Makes cool ass lakes. No license, do what you want as long as it involves some Cool Ass Lakes. How does it work? <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="lake.js"></script>…


CSS Image Switcher

Views 8564   downloads 1780   Image Effects

Roll over a link, watch the image above change. That’s what we build in this screencast, only we don’t use any JavaScript to do it. The trick is some simple z-index switching on hover and…


lovely jRumble plugin with jQuery

Views 11188   downloads 2695   Image Effects

jRumble is a jQuery plugin that rumbles, vibrates, shakes, and rotates any element you choose. It's great to use as a hover effect or a way to direct attention to an element. You can control the X,…


Images Color Thief with jQuery

Views 16207   downloads 2257   Image Effects

Ever wanted to grab the dominant color or color palette from an image?… Probably not. But now you can! Usecase #1: Color Search This script could be useful for sites that sort and search by color.…


Awesome CSS3 images Stacked Elements

Views 40059   downloads 7644   Image Effects

we'll show you how to create a simple ‘stacked’ look to some images. The HTML <div class="stack"> <img src="image1.jpg" /> </div> Unfortunately WebKit…


Lens Effect Image Zooming with jQuery plugin

Views 16232   downloads 2848   Image Effects

Use this jQuery plug-in to add lens style zooming effect to an image I was searching a good jQuery plug-in for image zooming but couldn't find any which was matching my criteria. I need the lens effect…


Useful jQuery Parallax Animated Effect

Views 17318   downloads 3128   Image Effects

we all agree that the parallax effect is pretty awesome and can get you that WOW factor when someone visits your website. So, I thought i would show you a live jQuery parallax example. In this tutorial…


jQuery animation Zooming Web Page

Views 30732   downloads 3399   Image Effects

Want to create a really unique and eye-catching effect for your site? How about an animation that zooms into a specific portion of the page when you click on it? It may sound like a lot of work but with…


Cool jQuery images Filters effect

Views 19396   downloads 3706   Image Effects

Filters is a jQuery plugin that allows to filter items using custom animation. You can use CSS3 transitions or just fadeIn/Out effect. Go to the demos and see how simple is that. JavaScript $('.filters').filters({…


Simple Image Scroller with jQuery

Views 16050   downloads 2438   Image Effects

These large individual product images work great for products like shoes, but when we needed to introduce clothing items we couldn't fit the entire product in without shrinking the image down until…


graceful CSS or MooTools Photo Stack Animations Effect

Views 10851   downloads 2011   Image Effects

My favorite technological piece of Google Plus is its image upload and display handling.  You can drag the images from your OS right into a browser's DIV element, the images upload right before…


Animation Slide Drop Captions Plugin with jQuery

Views 19200   downloads 3541   Image Effects

drop captions takes an image’s title attribute and converts it into a caption that appears only when the mouse is moved over the image. This allows me to maintain a clean look to the site, while…


Fancy Image Gallery with CSS3

Views 4698   downloads 595   Image Effects

We will use CSS3 to make an image gallery with animation. HTML Structure First of all, we will create an HTML file with the structure below, which is a div tag with gallery as ID that has an unordered…