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Awesome jQuery scrolling decks plugin

Views 25919   downloads 5271   Slideshow & Scroller

Create section navigation by linking to slide id’s (optional) After linking all the required scripts (jQuery, Scrollorama, scrollTo, easing & scrolldeck), create the slide deck on document ready…


(jPaginator) jQuery pagination and scrolling with interface plugin

Views 15215   downloads 2840   Layout & Interface

jPaginator is a nifty jQuery plugin by Remy Elazare which combines pagination and scrolling in a simple user interface. Remy recently asked me if I would like to use it for something on Webdesigntuts+…


Smooth Page Scroller effect with jQuery

Views 25500   downloads 5450   Slideshow & Scroller

Page Scroller is a powerful JavaScript based smooth scrolling navigation system that utilizes the robust jQuery library. Created entirely with ease of use in mind, the plugin will work on any website.…


Useful Scroll Pagination with jQuery

Views 21978   downloads 3424   Layout & Interface

jQuery ScrollPagination plugin has been developed by Anderson Ferminiano for studying purposes, you may use it for free in any project you want, only preserve the credits. Example $(function(){ $('#content').scrollPagination({…


windows full-screen scrolling with jQuery

Views 10154   downloads 1605   Layout & Interface

a handy, loosely-coupled jQuery plugin for full-screen scrolling windows This is a light bootstrap that sets up:  - the basic SASS for sequential full screen windows - a jQuery plugin for managing…


Parallax Scrolling Website with jQuery

Views 17622   downloads 4166   Menu & Navigation

One of the biggest trends in recent modern web design is use of parallax scrolling effects. In this tutorial I’m going to show you how you can create the effect on your own website, with a bit of…


AnimateScroll - a jQuery plugin which enables you to scroll to any part of the page

Views 8053   downloads 2097   Layout & Interface

AnimateScroll is a jQuery plugin which enables you to scroll to any part of the page in style by just calling the animatescroll() function with the Id or Classname of…