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a Wobbling 3D Carousel(jQuery)

Views 19570   downloads 2958   Slideshow & Scroller

This is a  3D carousel.we’ll create a ring by plotting points in 3d space, then we’ll rotate it so it’s almost perpendicular to the viewer.  Because it’s not 100% flat,…


Amazon style image and title scroller with jQuery

Views 138550   downloads 26964   Slideshow & Scroller

Usage Add js and css files.   <link href="css/amazon_scroller.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>…


jQuery a waterwheel Carousel Plugin

Views 17237   downloads 2328   Slideshow & Scroller

                    For this plugin to work, you will need to include the latest version of jQuery on your webpage BEFORE including this script. This…


jQuery 3D Feature Image Carousel

Views 24630   downloads 3648   Slideshow & Scroller

For this plugin to work, you will need to include the latest version of jQuery on your webpage BEFORE including this script. This plugin currently works with jQuery verson 1.4, and will most likely work…


Custom Content Slider with jQuery

Views 15497   downloads 2842   Slideshow & Scroller

create a custom content slider. The concept behind it is pretty simple, when you click on a button, it uses jQuery scroll-To plugin to scoll the content and display the right content. 1. HTML HTML is…


Coverflow effect featuring CSS transformations and jQuery UI

Views 15384   downloads 2112   Slideshow & Scroller

This proof-of-concept shows a coverflow effect using the new CSS transformation feature from Webkit (featured in Safari 3.1). Needless to say that it won't run in other browsers at this point (however,…


jQuery Image Gallery/News Slider

Views 16378   downloads 2456   Slideshow & Scroller

Introduction Until this day, jQuery is still blowing me away with its simplicity and robustness. As you can see, I have been concentrated to produce tutorials about it, and I just couldn't help it! Right,…


Amazon Books Widget with jQuery and XML Image Scroller

Views 20001   downloads 3346   Slideshow & Scroller

It makes sense to forgo database tables and server-side code when you need to store a limited amount of non-sensitive data. Accessing this data can be a snap with jQuery because the library was built…


A Better Blogroll Slideshow Tabs (jQuery )

Views 21175   downloads 3994   Slideshow & Scroller

A traditional blogroll is a simple list of other sites, often in the sidebar, that are related, owned by, or otherwise friendly to the home site. Blogrolls are a great idea and on-point with the spirit…


a jQuery Image Scroller

Views 20347   downloads 3623   Slideshow & Scroller

We’re going to be building an image scroller, making use of jQuery’s excellent animation features and generally having some fun with code. Image scrollers are of course nothing new; versions…


Auto-Scrolling Slideshow Tabs (jQuery )

Views 20447   downloads 4224   Slideshow & Scroller

  Create a jQuery slideshow that enables you to click through each slide when JavaScript is disabled, without having to display all slides one under the other. Step 1: Writing the markup First things…


a Content Slider with jQuery UI

Views 10972   downloads 1697   Slideshow & Scroller

We’re going to be using the jQuery UI slider widget to create an attractive and functional content slider. We’ll have a container, which has a series of elements each containing different…


JQuery Rolling News

Views 18038   downloads 4381   Slideshow & Scroller

We’ll be looking at how we can transform some semantic and accessible underlying HTML into an attractive and functional news ticker that smoothly scrolls its contents. Some news tickers are horizontal…


Slide Thumbs

Views 13702   downloads 2690   Slideshow & Scroller

Step 1: Create the Mark-up First we add container elements for output. The outer-most container is used to decorate the output with a background image and padding. The next container is the element that…


Apple-style Slideshow Gallery With jQuery

Views 16981   downloads 3972   Slideshow & Scroller

We are making an Apple-like slideshow gallery, similar to the one they use on their website to showcase their products. It will be entirely front-end based, no PHP or databases required. So go ahead and…