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Beautiful CSS Stack Bar Graphs

Views 18111   downloads 3328   Graph & Chart

To design the stats feature of Backbone, our Ruby on Rails CMS, we needed to show a stacked bar graph of page views vs unique visitors. I looked around for a sample of how others did stacked bar graphs…


Line Graph Effect With Css Only

Views 12365   downloads 2980   Graph & Chart

the line graphs. What are they good for? I will mention just one reason, and leave other advantages or downsides for a debate: users scan your page, they don't read every word and number you write. Line…


jQuery with Google Charts

Views 19454   downloads 3557   Graph & Chart

gvChart is a plugin for jQuery, that uses Google Charts to create interactive visualization by using data from the HTML table tag. It is easy in use and additionally it allows you to create five types…


Pure CSS3 Pie Charts effect

Views 20990   downloads 3000   Graph & Chart

Keep in mind that this technique is currently cutting-edge. It only works in the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome,and Safari UPDATE and Opera; and requires browser-specific extensions to CSS to pull…