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CSS3 Mask Passwords Like the iPhone

Views 6573   downloads 1395   Form

Passwords are all about security – In some cases passwords are simply about the reassuring appearance of security. A site that has password protection is, to many users, secure – whether the…


Stylish Handwritten Letter Style jQuery Form

Views 15829   downloads 4030   Form

Follow this step by step tutorial to create a traditional pen & paper inspired contact form in HTML and CSS.  use a mix of basic and intermediate CSS techinques to give the form the appearance…


Nice CSS3 and jQuery Multi-Step Signup Form

Views 20406   downloads 4738   Form

we will see how to create a simple multi-step signup form using CSS3 and jQuery. To spice up things a bit, we will include progress bar with the form, so the users will be able to see the percentage of…


jQuery secure visualization of password field input

Views 6637   downloads 1385   Form

A sexy, secure visualization of password field input In a tweet: Chroma-Hash is a jQuery plugin that dynamically visualizes secure text-field values using ambient color bars Password entry can be frustrating,…


Glowing login Form with jQuery and CSS3 (Glowform )

Views 16496   downloads 4530   Form

I thought Dragon Labs' Dragonfish Login Form Demo  was really neat. They implement the effect by using a rather large background image and a mask image and move the background image around via…


very usable and nice search box with CSS3

Views 10361   downloads 3445   Form

you’ll learn how create a cool and usable CSS3 search box using the HTML5 placeholder attribute. For the browsers that don’t support this new HTML attribute, fallback is created using Modernizr’s…


Like Apple CSS3 Search Box

Views 17314   downloads 4549   Form

Apple-inspired search box or search field using CSS3 alone. The search field expands slowly when focused/clicked. This animation effect achieved purely using CSS3 transition property. Also, we have used…


Awesome CSS3 and jQuery Login Form

Views 23212   downloads 6714   Form

we will code the Login Form that you can find in Futurico UI Pro made by Vladimir Kudinov. To create it we will use CSS3 and jQuery. Step 1 – HTML Markup Let’s start creating the HTML markup.…


Image Select plugin with jQuery

Views 25304   downloads 3533   Form

his plugin will be replaced by another from a plugin pack I’m developing, where I’ve applied lots of bugfixes. The link will be on here by the end of August. ImageSelect is a jQuery plugin…


cool jQuery and CSS3 Login Box Dialog Window

Views 37860   downloads 17427   Form

Hello guys, in this demo will introduce how to create a simple modal dialog window with jQuery by using of a login box. This demorequires intermediate knowledge of CSS and jQuery. For best results, please…


beautiful Radio, check button with Forms

Views 15418   downloads 4175   Form

What's Ideal Forms: Ideal Forms is a small framework to build powerful and beautiful online forms. It's very easy to use and requires minimal html syntax. Absolutely everything is stylable with…


Smooth Animated Search form with jQuery

Views 15512   downloads 4217   Form

The search was inspired by and it works in all major browsers, even works in IE6 though you would have to fix the png yourself. Requirements For the more advanced usage of the search it requires…


Fancy Forms with HTML5 and CSS3

Views 14171   downloads 3849   Form

Forms in HTML have typically been pretty boring – input boxes and buttons with all validation performed by javascript. With the new HTML5 Forms module things have become a little more useful. As…


Slick Login Form with CSS3

Views 8620   downloads 2384   Form

The goal of this post is to harness some new functionality provided by CSS3 and move away from images. We are going to create a CSS3 login form without images yet still have a visually pleasing result.…


jQuery Real-Time Form Validation plugin

Views 15958   downloads 4118   Form

Client-side validation is something every web form should have, no doubts about that. While server-side validation does its job, it certainly lacks good user experience. What is so great about client-side…