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Apple-style Slideshow Gallery With jQuery

Views 16981   downloads 3972   Slideshow & Scroller

We are making an Apple-like slideshow gallery, similar to the one they use on their website to showcase their products. It will be entirely front-end based, no PHP or databases required. So go ahead and…


Jquery tab menu Wizard Plugin

Views 38090   downloads 6547   Menu & Navigation

After looking for a jquery plugin that will emulate a windows wizard I decided to make my own (with the help of cody lindley’s css step menu). The code: First we need a simple javascript function…


Simple AJAX Driven tabs with jQuery

Views 24903   downloads 4344   Tabs

This example will show you how to create an AJAX Driven Website that overcame the browser Back button and bookmark problem in AJAX. I have made two versions, simplified version for further modification…


jQuery CSS3 a Mega Drop-Down Menu

Views 31639   downloads 5221   Menu & Navigation

Mega drop-down menus are not actually new, but more and more we see them on popular websites and blogs. With the ever increasing quantity of content on the web we have to figure out solutions to display…


Html5 canvas loading animation effect

Views 58897   downloads 5110   HTML5

Html5 canvas loading animation effect


Nice Stack Menu With jQuery

Views 26956   downloads 4677   Menu & Navigation

This is a Stack Menu with jQuery UI widget. Now you can take any element and turn its children into the items of a stack menu. You can control when it opens and closes, the direction it opens, the size…


Lightweight Tooltips With jQuery

Views 7513   downloads 1492   Tooltips

Query Tiper is an extremely lightweight jQuery tooltip which allows you to assign a tooltip to any element. Usage Using it is very simple, for example if you would like to give a link a tooltip you would…


Super simple Multi-level accordion jQuery plugin

Views 52383   downloads 11199   Accordion

This Jquery plugin makes creating accordions pain free. Just create an ul list and call the accordion javascript method and it is all done! Also it is super lightweight, just around 0.5kb. This Accordion…


jQuery Plugin: rotate3Di - Flip HTML content in 3D

Views 18962   downloads 2939   Image Effects

Rotate3Di is a jQuery Effect Plugin that makes it possible to do an isometric 3D flip or 3D rotation of any HTML content. It also enables custom 3D rotation animations. CSS Transforms are used to create…


very Simple jQuery print plugin

Views 30263   downloads 5677   Lightbox & Dialog & Overlay

support: Firefox 3.6 IE 7&8 Chrome latest Printing is becoming more and more obsolete these days, however most website still do offer a print stylesheet . That being said print stylesheets are rarely…


HTML5 Demo: Drag and drop

Views 74597   downloads 3273   HTML5

Drag the list items over the dustbin, and drop them to have the bin eat the item


SliderNav:jQuery and CSS iPhone Style Contact Lists

Views 30828   downloads 4750   Menu & Navigation

SliderNav is a JQuery plugin that lets you add dynamic, sliding content using a vertical navigation bar (index). It is made mainly for alphabetical listings but can be used with anything, though longer…


Slideshow Feature List

Views 35613   downloads 7680   Slideshow & Scroller

Using Feature List requires a simple function call: $.featureList( $("#tabs li a"), $("#output li"), { start_item : 1 } ); // Alternative $('#tabs li a').featureList({ output : '#output li', start_item…


Elegant Accordion with jQuery and CSS3

Views 35311   downloads 6993   Accordion

We will create an elegant accordion for content. The idea is to have some vertical accordion tabs that slide out when hovering. We will add some CSS3 properties to enhance the looks. The Markup  …


Minimalistic Navigation Menu with CSS3

Views 29891   downloads 6245   Menu & Navigation

Today we are making something practical – a simple CSS3 animated navigation menu The XHTML The menu is organized as an unordered list. This is the most suitable structure for a menu, as it provides…