Super Cool jquery floating menu
A simple menu that “follows” page scrolling and expands on mouse over with css and jquery.
Neon Text Effect With jQuery & CSS
In this combined design and coding tutorial, we are creating a neon glow text effect with CSS and jQuery, perfect for spicing up your web pages while keeping an eye on SEO. Read more。。
jQuery Slide Transition Plugin
jQuery Slidy is a plugin that generates a customizable transitions automatically. With default options: $('#default').slidy(); <div id="default"> <img src="image-1.jpg"/> <img src="image-2.jpg"/>…
Nice Product Slider with jQuery plugin
The article source: FancyMoves is a great slider to show off services, products, or whatever you can dream up. The main image is enlarged to…
jQuery plugin: Easy Accordion
Easy Accordion plugin will get your definition lists (DTs) and generate a nice and smooth horizontal accordion. You can then decide to make it a timed slideshow or leave it still. As usual, all of that…
jQuery and CSS3 Thumbnails Navigation Gallery
we are going to create an extraordinary gallery with scrollable thumbnails that slide out from a navigation. We are going to use jQuery and some CSS3 properties for the style. The main idea is to have…
Very Beautiful CSS3 And JQuery progress bar
The new features introduced in CSS3 allows developers to create stunning visual effects. Today, let’s create a fancy progress bar using CSS3 and jQuery, but no Flash or even images. Please note:…
Load In and Animate Content with jQuery Tabs
We will be taking your average everyday website and enhancing it with jQuery. We will be adding ajax functionality so that the content loads into the relevant container instead of the user having to navigate…
lightbox (Mootools)
An inline image popup, overlays and fades out the current page. This is based on Slimbox by Christophe Beyls. Features Lightbox has the following added features compared to Slimbox Specify a containing…
Making Accordions with the Tabs(jquery)
HTML coding Our HTML layout is a bit different than in tabs. The accordion headers are positioned in front of the panes and everything is contained as a flat list inside a single root DIV element with…
Download Lightweight HTML5-based slideshow This is a mini web app for people who'd rather build slides with HTML and CSS than with PowerPoint.
CSS3 and jQuery Horizontal images Scrolling Menu
There are a lot of cool flash scrolling menus out there, but I decided to make a similarly looking menu with just CSS and jQuery. I couldn't achieve the same smoothness in animation, but anyway I'm…
jQuery horizontal animated menu
HTML code: HTML code seem to be simple. Simply copy and paste these all code below to your new HTML page. <div class="kwicks_container"> <ul class="kwicks"> <li id="kwick_1"> <a href="#">Home…
Auto Scrolling ComboBox(jQuery &CSS3;)
we will show you some useful and neat UI elements that are focused on selecting content. We will be using jQuery and some CSS3 properties for the style to give the elements some edge. This is a select…
accordion accordion menu animation navigation animation navigation menu carousel checkbox inputs css3 css3 menu css3 navigation date picker dialog drag drop drop down menu drop down navigation menu elastic navigation form form validation gallery glide navigation horizontal navigation menu hover effect image gallery image hover image lightbox image scroller image slideshow multi-level navigation menus rating select dependent select list slide image slider menu stylish form table tabs text effect text scroller tooltips tree menu vertical navigation menu