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unordered list animated circle with jQuery

Views 31120   downloads 6493   Image Effects

jQuery plugin (2KB) that allows you to create an unordered list as an animated circle. Changelog: fixes for hover event, added direction option (clockwise or counter-clockwise) added hover trigger fixes…


Scalable Menu with jQuery CSS3

Views 54854   downloads 9869   Menu & Navigation

we are going to create a simple menu that will stand out once we hover over it by covering everything except the menu with a dark overlay. The menu will stay white and a submenu area will expand. We will…


Dropdown Navigation in CSS3 jQuery

Views 29950   downloads 6285   Menu & Navigation

we will learn how to enhance you WordPress in a whole new way. Multi-Level or Multi-Dimensional navigation menus can offer your theme and users 2 new things. One, add a nice new type of effect to enhance…


Awesome Animated Portfolio Gallery with jQuery CSS3

Views 28417   downloads 4405   Slideshow & Scroller

we will create an animated portfolio gallery with jQuery. The gallery will contain a scroller for thumbnails and a content area where we will display details about the portfolio item. The image can be…


awesome Mosaic menu

Views 36593   downloads 8039   Menu & Navigation

This is a great application, very useful code.I believe you will like it. css html { overflow: hidden; } body { position: absolute; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; background:#000;…


jQuery BubbleUp for Spice Up Your Menu

Views 26300   downloads 5823   Menu & Navigation

BubbleUp is a jQuery plugin released from a jQuery tutorial Learning jQuery: Your First jQuery Plugin,which helps you to create your first jQuery plugin. It's not just for demonstration, it's…


jQuery AJAX Validation Contact Form with Modal + Slide-in Transition

Views 48564   downloads 10398   Form

Due to popular demand, here is a tutorial on how I created one of the more complicated pieces of machinery on my new site: the contact form. A lot of different techniques went into this, and I have a…


Dots gallery scroller(jQuery )

Views 42284   downloads 6276   Slideshow & Scroller

Dots gallery with iPhone images from    Similar examples You try it yourself in it's simpler form by following these simple steps: Include jquery and Galleria: <script src=""></script>…


fullscreen image gallery with jQuery

Views 29353   downloads 6058   Slideshow & Scroller

A fullscreen image gallery made with jQuery and CSS. The code The css with some custom font via Google font API @import url(; html,body{height:100%;}…


jQuery Visual Select

Views 72652   downloads 2322   Form

This plugin is setup to generate a list of images ontop of a select. Similar to the site, but a jquery version. This is the first time i've written the jQuery for a site with a plugin in…


jQuery UI datepicker

The jQuery UI Datepicker is a highly configurable plugin that adds datepicker functionality to your pages. You can customize the date format and language, restrict the selectable date ranges and add in…


desSlideshow - Stylish featured image slideshow jQuery plugin

Views 68212   downloads 12111   Slideshow & Scroller

Usage Include js files.   <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src=""></script>…


jQuery Menu: Dropdown, iPod Drilldown, and Flyout styles with ARIA Support and ThemeRoller Ready

Views 35269   downloads 6296   Menu & Navigation

How it works Required markup The menu plugin was written with progressive enhancement in mind: first mark up a basic and functional unordered list of links, then layer on complex styles and functionality.…


bxSlider jQuery Content Slider

Views 59664   downloads 12876   Slideshow & Scroller

bxSlider is a jQuery content slider plugin that is light weight and easy to use. Features: horizontal and vertical slide movement auto mode start / stop controls previous / next controls numeric navigation…


Sliding up form labels with jquery and CSS3

Views 16285   downloads 3064   Form

A common problem for laying out a labels and their inputs is that the labels dangle out in what appears to be whitespace. Form labels can make a design aesthetically awkward. There are several paths to…