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cool looking pure CSS3 dropdown menu

Views 15294   downloads 4262   Menu & Navigation

Today, CSS3 has become a buzzword of modern web designers and developers around the globe. With its ground-breaking features, CSS3 has made a profound impact on the web designer community by making the…


super cool easing and hoverIntent navigation with jQuery

Views 17272   downloads 3360   Menu & Navigation

Make your navigation a bit more flashy with this plugin… using easing and hoverIntent, customise the rollover colours, easing method and duration… View the demo for an example… Include…


Nice jQuery and CSS Floating social toolbar

Views 23879   downloads 3629   Menu & Navigation

we’re going to show you how to make a fancy floating bar using jQuery and JavaScript, as the one you see when scrolling down on this page. From creating the PHP file to customizing the CSS, we will…


Spin Social Media Share with CSS3

Views 17783   downloads 4611   Menu & Navigation

This is a neat effect which spins the social icons with the help of a CSS transform and transition when you hover over them. Let’s start with the structure of the social media icons. Which is nothing…


Nice CSS3 Button Menu

Views 11263   downloads 2290   Menu & Navigation

The article source: in this example we’ll explain how to create a menu with css that uses the propriety…


useful Tabbed Menu with jQuery

Views 44286   downloads 11705   Menu & Navigation

We are going to use the HTML element list to display the menu and the drop down. Each of the top level menus are in their own list items and the drop down menus are lists placed inside the list items.…


jQuery browser mobile window chooser

Views 17156   downloads 4108   Menu & Navigation

It's always fun to play with jQuery especially when you are trying to recreate something that you enjoy using. One such thing is window chooser in Opera Mobile browser where opened windows are positioned…


Pure CSS3 animation Menu Navigation

Views 33740   downloads 6908   Menu & Navigation

The example will only be visible in Firefox, Safari and Chrome because it uses the CSS3 Animation Property. HTML Now look carefully ... this markup is really easy, just create an unordered list and insert…


Simple jQuery Drop-Down Menu

Views 9332   downloads 2754   Menu & Navigation

The biggest problem with javascript is that we can’t completely rely on it. It can easily be disabled, and once this happens, websites should still function correctly. Javascript powered sub-navigation…


One Page scroll Navigation with jQuery Plugin

Views 39696   downloads 7561   Menu & Navigation

there have a freelance project where a one-page site makes sense, The Markup there with an unordered list for the navigation and a bunch of sections: <ul id="nav"> <li class="current"><a…


Awesome Right Click Menu with jQuery

Views 13231   downloads 2485   Menu & Navigation

Here is the small tutorial for you. Step 1 :- Write the HTML coding of your page. <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript">//…


simple Pure CSS3 Navigation Menu

Views 19355   downloads 3670   Menu & Navigation

Menus driven purely by CSS have always been the ideal solution when it comes to navigation. However, we all know that we have been forced to use simplistic designs or images because of limited CSS and…


Grooveshark-style slide menu with jQuery

Views 16305   downloads 2827   Menu & Navigation

The 'old' grooveshark user interface featured a really cool menu effect built in Flash. You'd click on a artist and the menu would slide 'ipod style' to the left from the right. I…


Stylish CSS Jquery auto-induction boundary of menu

Views 18001   downloads 4848   Menu & Navigation

Here you can find tonns of really nice menus which you can use in your projects. Step 1. HTML As usual, we start with the HTML. This is our main page code. index.html <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>…


Animation Bottom Navigation Bar with CSS3

Views 17218   downloads 3019   Menu & Navigation

Don't support ie. this is nice CSS3 bottom navigation menu. and will sliding drop down menu with fixed position in bottom of screen. Also, use jQuery for sliding effects. Step 1. HTML Here are html…