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Fancy Hover Effect with jQuery

Views 20065   downloads 2602   Image Effects

Very cool hover effect HTML   <div id="featured-wrap"> <div id="featured-content"> <a href=""><img alt="Jardines" src="2_s.jpg" /></a> <a…


Animated Header in jQuery

Views 16204   downloads 2224   Image Effects

We'll show you how to animate your header’s background image using jQuery to give your website that little extra something.We are going to build a header that animates it’s background. …


CSS3 Gradient Background

Views 9998   downloads 1791   Image Effects

WebKit browsers paved the way with CSS based gradients. Now Firefox 3.6 is out and is supporting them as well, which makes using them for progressive enhancement all the more appealing. More good news,…


Greyscale Hover Effect CSS & jQuery

Views 35033   downloads 4583   Image Effects

Wireframe – HTML First set up an unordered list which we will use as our foundation for the list of gallery images. <ul class="gallery"> <li> <a href="#" class="thumb"><span><img…


Simple Flip Puzzle Effect like Apple with jQuery

Views 11152   downloads 1753   Image Effects

Gradient and Flipping Technique I said that the advertisement makes use of puzzle paper effect. In order to create this effect, we give a lighting from certain angle to each block layer that we stacked…


Simplest jQuery Spotlight Effect

Views 9885   downloads 1469   Image Effects

This is a Simplest jQuery Spotlight Effect 1. HTML We will use divs instead of ul list here. I have tested it with UL before, and it will work perfectly fine, you just have to style is with CSS. The caption…


A jQuery plugin for displaying images with Flash-like zooming effects

Views 11262   downloads 2595   Image Effects

a new plugin for jQuery that allows you to easily transform your image lists into beautiful galleries with Flash-like zoom effects in them. It’s a simple but elegant way of giving your interfaces…


Standard zoom(jquery)

Views 10445   downloads 3170   Image Effects

Add first the last jQuery release, then the jQZoom script(don't forget this),the correct order is important.Look at the installation code below. <script type='text/javascript' src='js/jquery-1.2.6.js'></script>…


Threadless Style T-Shirt Gallery jQuery

Views 9773   downloads 1793   Image Effects

The Basic Idea Here’s the gist: There’s a thumbnail which is a full sized image in a container div, which is smaller than the full sized image. The image is centered within it, but doesn’t…


Amazing Webkit Image Hover Effects with CSS3

Views 10301   downloads 1960   Image Effects

Image Shrink Effect The image will shrink if you put your mouse pointer on top of it. It is achieved by using the -webkit-transform:scale(value) property. The HTML <div id="demo-1" class="demobox">…


useful zoom into picture with jquery

Views 15093   downloads 3983   Image Effects

Zoomy is a quick and easy plugin that will zoom into a picture. You only need two copies of one image first the display image and then the zoom image. Most CMS systems save or create multiple sizes of…


JQuery Ajax Cool Shopping Cart effect

Views 27600   downloads 7080   Image Effects

this is   Ajax and JQuery shopping carts ,hope you will love it. JQuery Code $(document).ready(function() { var Arrays=new Array(); $('.add-to-cart-button').click(function(){ var thisID…


jQuery Easy Background Resize

Views 13190   downloads 2364   Image Effects

Resizable full-browser background image using jQuery. Implementation requires no CSS. Keeps the images aspect ratio in tact! Example HTML for Background DIV <!-- This gets positioned absolutely so…


Beautiful jQuery Parallax effect

Views 25774   downloads 4820   Image Effects

 the parallax script . It’s called in a more jQuery like manner now and has a couple of useful options for inverting the movement and changing the unit of measurement to any jQuery/CSS supported…


HTML5 sorting photos Drag and Drop effect

Views 27481   downloads 4278   Image Effects

Drag and Drop and HTML5. As you know (I hope), all modern browsers (it should be FF, Safari, Chrome, possible Opera) have native support of this useful feature (as drag and drop). It means that we can…