Minimalistic Slideshow Gallery with jQuery
We will create a simple and beautiful slideshow gallery that can be easily integrated in your web site. The idea is to have a container with our slideshow and the options to view a grid of thumbnails,…
Popular JQuery Sliding Stack Images
A sliding door effect can be used what the site offer. All the images must have the same size, in both width and height, the hovered images will shows entirely, and the others will mostly hidden. HTML…
More Classic Gallery Slideshow(jQuery )
Galleria is a JavaScript image gallery unlike anything else. It can take a simple list of images and turn it into a foundation of multiple intelligent gallery designs, suitable for any project. You try…
A jQuery tile shifting image viewer plugin
This jQuery plugin called jFancyTile is a tile shifting image viewer. It allows you to tranform any list with images to a beautiful tile shifting photo presenter. Take note this plugin is pretty CPU intense…
jQuery horizontal and vertical Timelines slideshow
This simple plugin helps you to give more life to the boring timelines. Supports horizontal and vertical layouts, and you can parameterize the majority of attributes: speed, transparency, etc.. Include…
Using the Wonderful jFlow Plugin JQuery
Download The Plugin As always with a new plugin, the first step is to visit the creator’s website and download the plugin. All that you’ll need is a tiny Javascript file – and of course…
jQuery Horizontal Box Slider
Horizontal Box Slider is using native scrolling. There are a lot of “carousels”, but none of them is using it. horizontal_box_slider.js is very tiny (≈2.75KB) framework agnostic “carousel”…
jQuery Slider Gallery
This example is about creating a creative gallery with a slider for the thumbnails. The idea is to have an expanding thumbnails area which opens once an album is chosen. The thumbnails will scroll to…
advanced Mobily Slider with jQuery
MobilySlider is advanced slideshow plugin for jQuery (5KB). can add inline HTML content (awesome!) looping auto generated pagination auto generated arrows autoplay fade, horizontal, vertical slide transition…
jQuery Slideshow
Homepages generally don’t have enough space for all the promotions clients want to put on there. The homepage slideshow is a great space saving solution, while keeping your homepage from looking…
thumbnail preview jQuery elastic slideshow
The slideshow will adjust automatically to its surrounding container and we can navigate through the slides by using the thumbnail previewer or the autoplay slideshow option. The slideshow will adjust…
Nice jquery full background image slider
Backgrounds are an important aspect when it comes to creating a website. Whenever i look at a website the background most likely determines what the rest of the website will look like. As we may all know…
Multiple Image Cross Fade with jquery
Getting Started What we want to do first is to create mark-up for the content. Like this: <div class="container"> <img src="bmw_3.jpg" alt="" /> <img src="bmw_2.jpg" alt="" /> <img…
jQuery Flickr Photo Gallery Plug
Simply hand the plug-in a Flickr set_id and give the container a width and height ! Example HTML Code Example <div id="flickr_div"></div> <!-- "flickr_count" Required for count and titles…
Very nice jQuery and CSS3 parallax scrolling
Parallax scrolling website interfaces have been popping up all over the place recently. I didn’t want to miss out on the fun, so I have put together a parallax scrolling demo built using jQuery…
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