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Custom contact form with jQuery

Views 38573   downloads 13060   Form

we are going to build a awesome contact form. Also we are going to display errors using well-known jQuery plugin to validate form fields. We need to create necessery files: index.html, init.js and default.css.…


jQuery Real-Time Form Validation plugin

Views 15960   downloads 4118   Form

Client-side validation is something every web form should have, no doubts about that. While server-side validation does its job, it certainly lacks good user experience. What is so great about client-side…


Smooth Animated Search form with jQuery

Views 15513   downloads 4217   Form

The search was inspired by and it works in all major browsers, even works in IE6 though you would have to fix the png yourself. Requirements For the more advanced usage of the search it requires…


jQuery pretty Checkboxes form

Views 10295   downloads 2217   Form

This script is for people who wants to have a consistent look for checkboxes across browser or those who simply want them to look better. By using this script you wont loose any of the regular inputs…


JQuery AJAX PayPal Cart Form Plugin

Views 21907   downloads 4975   Form

AJAX PayPal Cart is a easy to use JQuery plugin for web developer to add a full function shopping cart in their website. The AJAX cart can included a cart widget which allow display of cart information…


beautiful Radio, check button with Forms

Views 15419   downloads 4176   Form

What's Ideal Forms: Ideal Forms is a small framework to build powerful and beautiful online forms. It's very easy to use and requires minimal html syntax. Absolutely everything is stylable with…


jQuery images dynamic form preview

Views 11532   downloads 1768   Form

a dynamic form preview tool for work so clients could preview how the text and images would look before submitting the content to be published. I’ve trimmed down the code and removed the database…


Stylish Messaging Modal Box with jQuery

Views 10546   downloads 2114   Form

You can build some really neat things using jQuery. The latest release bundle updates a lot of bugs and even hints at support for a new jQuery Mobile. With frontend scripting you can build practically…


Simple jQuery Virtual Keyboard Effect

Views 15808   downloads 3933   Form

very few websites provide their users with the option of using a virtual keyboard to key in (at the bare minimum) their passwords. Yes, a few banks do it, but considering how much personal information…


Stylish Rocking CSS3 Search Field

Views 15409   downloads 2720   Form

CSS3 is the next generation style sheet language. It introduces a lot of new and exciting features like shadows, animations, transitions, border-radius etc. Although the specifications have not been finalized…


Checkbox and Radio control with jQuery

Views 10934   downloads 2972   Form

In web development/design, there’re a lot of time you want to customize HTML controls. Some controls are actually quite simple to implement. I will show you how to customize a checkbox/radiobox.…


Useful jQuery Form Add Hints and Auto Focus effect

Views 11154   downloads 2656   Form

This demo teaches you how to easily add hints to your forms and auto focus fields. We are continuing a series of quick articles for web developers which explain how to automate things during website programming.…


html5 and CSS3 Modern Web Forms effect

Views 20824   downloads 5810   Form

This demo using HTML5 and CSS3 to achieve great style and functionality without causing problems in less capable browsers. To be clear, this code will not look exactly the same in every browser. We are…


Like Apple CSS3 Search Box

Views 17316   downloads 4549   Form

Apple-inspired search box or search field using CSS3 alone. The search field expands slowly when focused/clicked. This animation effect achieved purely using CSS3 transition property. Also, we have used…


Animate jQuery validation feedback form

Views 13796   downloads 3411   Form

The trick is very simple: after user presses signup button, validation occurs and all fields that are invalid get shaken a little bit. They have very simple web form as example below shows. I won't…