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jQuery : Checkbox & Table

Views 20327   downloads 3367   Form

Today’s code snippet is how to automagically check/uncheck checkbox element by clicking a single row of a table using jQuery. Firstly we add click event on the table’s row, it will help us…


jQuery Safari Searcher

Views 11637   downloads 2502   Form

I want to share my jQuery search box plugin looks like Safari one. It is really easy to customize skin by drawing new sprite. Moreover, it have all the same functionality as a real one and a bit more…


Geogoer vChecks - easy checkboxes jQuery plugin

Views 14231   downloads 2606   Form

Style your form checkboxes easily. It's version 1.0, we will upload more our cool stuff in future. [removed] $(function(){ $("#custom_list").vchecks(); }); Html code: <ul id="custom_list" style="width:…


jQuery styleSelect

Views 16816   downloads 3389   Form

This plugin replaces the standart select element with a custom looking selectbox. Plugin has keyboard support. Usage $("select").styleSelect();   Options Name/options Type Default optionsTop Options…


jQuery Advanced Form Validation

Views 25693   downloads 5061   Form

Form Validator with several features such as grouping required fields or conditional checking if it is valid or not. Also you can validate string, numeric, date or e-mail. And you can combine several…


jQuery UI: Radiobutton- und Checkbox-Replacement

Views 15485   downloads 2061   Form

Eine gerne durchgeführte Aufgabe ist es, die in manchen Browsern recht hässlichen Checkboxen und Radiobuttons durch schönere, dem Design angepasste Eingabeelemente zu ersetzen. UI-Widget-Factory…


jQuery Doubleselect Plugin

Views 7017   downloads 1563   Form

Fill in a second select box dependent on the first one. Code $(document).ready(function() { "Vegetables": { "key" : 10, "defaultvalue" : 111, "values" : { "tomato": 110, "potato": 111, "asparagus": 112…


A Clean and Stylish CSS3 Contact Form

Views 16800   downloads 4314   Form

Building stylish contact forms typically requires the use of images (and maybe some JavaScript) to create something that looks professional. However, with CSS3 it’s now much easier to create some…


jQuery Checkbox & Radiobutton Plugin

Views 6080   downloads 1808   Form

ezMark is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to stylize Radio button and Checkbox easily. Its very small (minified version is ~1.5kb) compared to other similar scripts. It has been tested and works on all…


Custom radio and checkbox inputs using CSS3

Views 10720   downloads 1939   Form

As you can see from the demo each radio and checkbox is replaced with a custom one. The difference here from my initial attempt, and to get around the fact you can’t apply generated content to form…


jQuery Doubleselect Plugin - Fill in a second select box dependent on the first one.

Views 5697   downloads 1243   Form

Fill in a second select box dependent on the first one.   Usage Code   $(document).ready(function() { "Vegetables": { "key" : 10, "defaultvalue" : 111, "values" : { "tomato": 110, "potato":…


Styling Drop Down Boxes with jQuery

Views 19546   downloads 2408   Form

One problem with HTML forms is it is hard to style the elements to fit into your design.  The tutorial will show you how to style the hardest of them all, the select box.   The Plan Unfortunately…


Jquery Mega Select List

Views 12160   downloads 1801   Form

This is  the jQuery Mega Select List project, Usage The jQuery Mega Select List is for when you have a drop down list with a crazy number of items that can be logically grouped, for example if you…


jQuery HTML Form Validation Solution

Views 7194   downloads 2055   Form

First we’ll start with the HTML and CSS. The script will add a class called “needsfilled” to any fields that don’t pass the validation, so you’ll want to specify how you’d…


jQuery FormLabels Plugin

Views 13967   downloads 2467   Form

The idea of using captions on form input boxes is not new, but all previous methods of providing this functionality have a few disadvantages. The jQuery FormLabels Plugin is a result of working with hundreds…