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like Mac OS X Finder's column view plugin with jQuery

Views 8933   downloads 1580   Menu & Navigation

hColumns is a jQuery plugin that looks like Mac OS X Finder's column view for the hierarchical data. Get the latest version of this plugin from Github Add required CSS and Javascript tag Insert before…


Simple overlay instructions with jQuery

Views 8459   downloads 1165   Layout & Interface

Simple overlay instructions for your apps. Chardin.js is a jQuery plugin that creates a simple overlay to display instructions on existent elements. It is inspired by the recent Gmail new composer tour…


an user-friendly select list effect with jQuery

Views 11279   downloads 1937   Form

jAutochecklist is a jQuery plugin that help you to create an user-friendly HTML list which can be used to replace the old tradition select list Why use jAutochecklist User-friendly UI and interaction…


Usefu jQuery Svbtle style kudos

Views 6039   downloads 1277   Rating & Star Rating

Dustin Kurtis came up with an excellent idea for the Svbtle blogging network (go visit to see an example). He called them Kudos. They're little widgets next to each post that enable users…


jQuery awesome wrap of photo collection-PhotoCradle

Views 14654   downloads 3849   Slideshow & Scroller

PhotoCradle is designed to deliver photos from 3rd party services to your website and wrap it into a smooth customizable slideshow. PhotoCradle is a client based javascript driven application. It uses…


super cool Mobile Date Navigation with JQuery

This Mobile Date plugin provides a navigation between date range, either by a defined range (week, month and year). Ideal for querying information accurately by AJAX calls. use it: 1. Basic…


Awesome jQuery timeline Plugin

Views 10233   downloads 1855   Layout & Interface

jquery.jqtimeline is a simple, lightweight and elegent timeline plugin for jQuery to show a set of important events on a timeline. Data input is a simple json arrary of timeline events. This…


windows full-screen scrolling with jQuery

Views 10154   downloads 1605   Layout & Interface

a handy, loosely-coupled jQuery plugin for full-screen scrolling windows This is a light bootstrap that sets up:  - the basic SASS for sequential full screen windows - a jQuery plugin for managing…


jQuery nice Filterable plugin

Views 10552   downloads 2311   Table

Bootstrap and X-editable themed jQuery plugin that preforms per-column filtering for an HTML table. Options   ignoreColumns Column indexes to not make filterable Type: Array…


jQuery images Lazy Load plugin

Views 13664   downloads 1822   Image Effects

This  is very useful and it boosts performance delaying loading of images in long web pages because images outside of viewport (visible part of web page) won't be loaded until the user scrolls…


jQuery Useful freeze header row in table plugin

Views 10818   downloads 2681   Table

This is a simple jquery plugin to header row scrolling in html table. Installation   Include script after the jQuery library (unless you are packaging scripts somehow else): <script…


sticky page scroll down menu with jQuery

Views 15908   downloads 4676   Menu & Navigation

Smint is a simple jQuery plugin that helps with the navigation on one page style websites.    It has 2 main elements, a sticky navigation bar that stays at the top of the page while you scroll…


nice gradient selector with jQuery

Views 8344   downloads 1975   Color Picker

JQUERY GRADIENT SELECTOR The most basic example is given below : <html> <head> <title>gradx example</title> <script src="lib/js/jquery.js"></script> <script…


jQuery stylish form select plugin

Views 8247   downloads 1743   Form

zelect is a jQuery plugin that replaces the default select element into something much more simpler and fancier. If the option list is known on the client, finite and manageable, use HTML: <select…


popular jQuery Cropping Images

Views 13092   downloads 1567   Image Effects

you just want to display a collection (or more) of images with different dimensions. The problem seems easy enough.   The task of manually creating thumbnail for each image is quite tedious and it’s…