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JQuery Draggable Sitemap

Views 22664   downloads 3762   Menu & Navigation

There are a handful of javascript libraries and plugins available that attempt this task, but none of them worked flawlessly with our HTML. The real issue here is that javascript alone cannot produce…


Easy jQuery drop down menus

Views 17137   downloads 3180   Menu & Navigation

The examples below have styling and effects to make them look nice, but first I will show you the minimum you need to get your menus running. First off, you need a set of nested lists and link to create…


jQuery Very Long scroll Dropdown Menus

Views 17839   downloads 2519   Menu & Navigation

jQuery Makes it Tick I’m going to dump the code all in here just for quick reference. I commented it, so it should be fairly easy to follow. It’s over 60 lines, but don’t worry too much,…


simple CSS jQuery Menu

Views 18400   downloads 4048   Menu & Navigation

HTML This can’t get any simpler. Just make a valid nested unordered list with a root id of “navmenu-h” (for horizontal) or “navmenu-v” (for vertical) and you are all set.…


simple jQuery Drop Down Menu

Views 11370   downloads 2823   Menu & Navigation

Introduction Alright, this time, we are going to make a drop down menu. The main objective is to make it as simple as possible, with some little jQuery effect and easy to customize/ apply different style…


Super Cool jquery floating menu

Views 31327   downloads 5231   Menu & Navigation

A simple menu that “follows” page scrolling and expands on mouse over with css and jquery.


jQuery Awesome modal Navigation Menu

Views 22251   downloads 2733   Menu & Navigation

We have a horizontal menu with a few categories. Each category has multiple subcategories and each such subcategory may contain a random number of products. For easier and faster movement of users thorough…


jQuery CSS3 a Mega Drop-Down Menu

Views 31788   downloads 5292   Menu & Navigation

Mega drop-down menus are not actually new, but more and more we see them on popular websites and blogs. With the ever increasing quantity of content on the web we have to figure out solutions to display…


animated menu with Sprites and jQuery

Views 8124   downloads 1928   Menu & Navigation

Sprites are widely used on big sites (Yahoo!, Google, Amazon and more) but rarely for “normal” projects. I think this is due to two questions that usually stop us when it comes to learn something…


jQuery Beautiful Slick Drop down Menu with Easing Effect

Views 14481   downloads 2437   Menu & Navigation

Drop-down menus are an excellent feature because they help clean up a busy layout. When structured correctly, drop-down menus can be a great navigation tool, while still being an attractive design feature.…


jQuery Advanced keypress navigation

Views 11765   downloads 1593   Menu & Navigation

The script is (a bit) advanced because of the extra functionality when the user combines the mouse hover and keypresses.   HTML   The HTML that I came up with isn't that hard to understand:…


jQuery Plugin xBreadcrumbs (Extended Breadcrumbs) navigation

Views 17033   downloads 2940   Menu & Navigation

xBreadcrumbs (Extended Breadcrumbs) is a jQuery plug-in to create categorized breadcrumbs for your site. This may be useful if your website has a deep structure and you want allow your visitors to quickly…


Popout Menu with jQuery and CSS3

Views 19864   downloads 2754   Menu & Navigation

The Popout Menu let’s you display menu options in a vertical manner. When clicked, the menu shows its items in a stack manner.


jQuery and CSS3 Minimalistic Horizontal Slide Out Menu

Views 26729   downloads 4073   Menu & Navigation

The horizontal slide out menu is positioned at the left hand side of the window and slides out its menu items once the arrow is clicked. The arrow bounces back once the mouse leaves and this creates a…


jQuery Flip Menu using backgroundPosition Plugin

Views 35508   downloads 5643   Menu & Navigation

Learn how to create a simple, but elegant menu by animating background with jquery backgroundPosition plugin. It's simple, but the effect is really good. Sometimes, simplicity is the most beautiful thing.…